Rose Everwood



7 months, 11 hours ago


Rose-Tinted Shepard
Name Rose Everwood
Age 24
Pronouns She/it/thorn/fluff
Race Clowdweller
Role Upkeep
Sexuality Lesbian
Playlist Rose

Her sheep


light snow

a warm cup of tea on a quiet day

raw meat

The color red/pink

people getting in her buisness


“I have nothing to hide from you, sir. I’m simply trying to live my life peacefully!”

Rose is from the city of Kalopsia, a roleplay project about a post-apocalyptic world trapped in eternal snow and darkness. The citizens of Kalopsia thrive thanks to the all seeing Eye that watches over them and is 100% not evil! Rose herself aims to be an upstanding citizen to maintain the pleasant comforts her new suburban life has granted her, but thorn’s anger and hidden secrets make that… difficult. Fluff is the upkeep of the city, and shepherds a flock of her beloved sheep in her free time. It’s best friend is Pinkie, a pink tinted sheep she keeps by her side almost always.

- Rose is a cloudweller, which is why she is shown with little puffs of clouds floating around her. It’s body is made of highly condensed clouds! - Cloudwellers also take on the appearance of things they are close to, which is why fluff looks so sheep-like.

- When drawing her, feel free to interpret her hair however you wish. Curly, fluffy, whatever.

HTML by Pinky