^^ Just wondering do you have a preference for what you're after for this gal? Or a price range? 

For money wise I'm looking for around $20 - $25 though I'll take a loom at transformer trades, or a few other trades :)

I can also accept a purchase of a character or custom as well :)

Your welcome to look in my mlp folders :)

I have one in the forsake, one in the connecting and one in the forever homed, only the changeling folder is of limits ^^

okie! Just had a look and there’s a few designs that caught my eye potentially! 👀 Specifically in the Forever Homed Mlp folder (not the changeling one 👌) and one in the Connecting folder! Is it alr if I just get double clarification on which ponies in those two folders you’d be open to accepting this gal for? Preferably just by naming which ones you could do if that’s alr! :) Whether it be all, just one or two etc! :> 👍 

I can really do any that you'd, like, feel free to link the babs your interested in and I'll clarify if they're available ^^

Alr! The babs I’d likely accept for are any of these! :>



 Or https://toyhou.se/18954265.princess-starlight

Starlight I’m a tad wary of though- considering it says she’s a redesign of twilight with similar colours and a matching cutie mark style. And checking over Toyhouse rules apparently AU designs of canon / existing characters aren’t allowed on TH and could lead to possible profile takedowns of said designs, bans or in extreme cases apparent account deletion ;u; just thought I’d point that out to ya!

She's meant to be a kinsona, I can do the first two if you don't want to trade starlight ^^ if not I can do all three :)

I could do it for Galaxy rays and Deepest desire then! :> 👌 I’ll get to cleaning this hound up and adding transparents :D

But hghg- unfortunately it seems kinsona aren’t allowed either >:,> in Toyhouse guidelines it apparently states and im quoting directly: 

“We do not host canon character re-uploads. This includes:

  • Direct re-uploads of characters that exist in published media
  • Direct AU versions, re-designs or kinsonas of these characters, who share the same name, personality, and identity.”

So you may wanna potentially be careful with Starlight quq 👍 I wouldn’t say delete her outright but maybe just lock her visiblity / tags so only you can view her profile just as a precaution! 
4 Replies


Anyone from my trade or Sales folders catch your interest    ..!



Hi! Would any one in this folder interest you? ^^

Or this folder? Here ^^

If not I could offer art ^^ (and maybe customs if you’re interested!!)

I can link my examples if you’d like me to 😊