Blair [On Hold]'s Comments

Anyone on my th..?

The only one I was interested in was Salvador but I’m unsure if he’s available. If not, I apologize!

He's in my nft or no he's not..

Right but you said anyone, I don’t expect everyone to stay organized. So I wasn’t sure if he was available or not. Regardless, no one else interested me. Thank you for the offer though!!

Anyone you like in here? Anyone in the folder besides Jasmine Azrael Azraellia Mira and Emerald

I didn't see anyone I would use unfortunately :( Lovely characters though! Thank you for the consideration!

I actually changed what folder my characters were in, I’m so sorry. Check this one

But I totally understand if you don’t want any of these. Wasn’t sure if you were able to see all of them since I moved them 

Unfortunately I still didn't see anyone :( Thank you though!!