Ganymede Caelestes



6 months, 27 days ago


  •  Name   Ganymede Caelestes, Mede 
  •  Ancestry   Teifling, Glaysa-heritage. 
  •  Job   Adventurer, member of Patience ___'s court within the Seelie Fey 
  •  Sexuality   Queer 
  •  Alignment   Chaotic __ 
     Voiceclaim   __ 


__ Life in the Thayan Empire could not be described as being easy for all but a small tyrannical few, but for Ganymede at least, the most ghastly sights were hidden away by porcelain and polished stone. Being born to a court painter and a lady in waiting from a wealthy mercantile family, although expected to “entertain” just as his parents had - his life was comfortable…for the most part. There was no risk of being turned into one of the numerous undead which served the Red Wizards or a life stuck drudging through the muck for a molecule of edible food, and for this his parents expected an quiet observance to the status quo. But the young teifling found comfort in the quiet nights watching the stars pass by, a practice that would eventually lead him to pursue the art of astrology and attempting to accurately predict the future. Through a few accidents however, it became evident that his studying of the stars was no longer just a little bookish pursuit but a tapping into the weave - becoming a Circle of Stars druid. After establishing his skills as a court astronomer, utilizing his new Druidic abilities, Ganymede would spend the next half decade traveling around with a small troupe of court artisans.

This period of his life would consist of visiting various noble houses throughout the Thayan Empire, where they would enjoy all of the luxuries this afforded them. Being what could essentially be called “_term for people on a grand tour”, Ganymede and his friends frequented spots that were exclusive as the wealthy attempted to gain their favor, so then to gain access to their various abilities. One particular exclusive spot was located in a far off villa, in which its owner claimed as a small pond with a waterfall. This particular area was said to bring about euphoric experiences that someone could typically only experience in the Feywild, and after saying goodnight to his friends and talking with a servant (and red wizard in training) Explicia De_____, went to go skinny dipping under the stars. But, Ganymede did not get exactly what he expected for it was that night that he met the mysterious fey who went under the name Patience ___. 

Pre-campaign history

__ campaign history__


  • Social occassions, especially large parties.
  • Stargazing and studying the constellations.
  • Showing off his abilities in spellcasting.
  • Fashion, working to tailor his own clothes.
  • Spending time with those he cares about, especially Patience.


  • Being without Patience, and general seperation anxiety.
  • Being dirty, physical exertion.
  • Dealing with others being so serious, especially when it comes to adventuring.
  • Not being able to induldge in his desires. (ie. limits on spending money, not being able to call his partner bc of spell wackiness, not being able to sleep in, etc.)
  • Having to confront the fact that all that he knew in his previous life is now ancient history, and whatever good existed in the Thayan Empire has faded a long time ago.

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