
6 months, 15 days ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Marcel Dupo


25 years old


a hybrid of a wolf and a fox



Type of activity





68 kg


189 cm



1. Marcel was born in Limoges, France. His father was a priest, and his mother died in childbirth.  From early childhood, Wolf's father introduced him to the activities of the church.

2. The guy studied at a church school and was the best student. He was always calm as a boa constrictor and rarely showed his emotions, because his father believed that God loves and helps only calm and confident people. Excess emotions could be punished very cruelly.

3. The youth of the guy passed in the church, Marcel practically did not see another world. All his hobbies were the church and God. The guy is not sociable, he has poor social skills, but he succeeded in church affairs and already at 19 became a priest along with his father.

4. Marcel spends a lot of time reading books, he became interested in the topic of exorcism. His father was never trusted with such a job, and therefore the guy's goal was the opportunity to join exorcists and go on calls.

5. At the age of 21, he had a great opportunity to be an assistant in one case with an exorcist. It was a small challenge because of a not particularly strong demon. This trip was strongly imprinted on Marcel, and he was convinced that he had to become the same. He did it. And by the age of 23, he received the right to take orders and travel to them according to the requirements of the church.

6. At the age of 21, he had a great opportunity to be an assistant in one case with an exorcist. It was a small challenge because of a not particularly strong demon. This trip was strongly imprinted on Marcel, and he was convinced that he had to become the same. He did it. And by the age of 23, he received the right to take orders and travel to them according to the requirements of the church.

7. The first job as an exorcist fell in the summer. Marcel went to order, but the church overestimated its abilities. It turned out that the demon was not an ordinary, but a very strong, higher demon. Not every experienced exorcist could cope with such a demon, and even more so Marcel. But he coped, he drove the demon away from the victim, but he had to let it in to save the child. Now the demon is terrorizing him, trying to kill the guy with his own hands.

8. Marcel learned to get along with the demon in the same body, learned to restrain him and work as an exorcist almost without paying attention to the demon inside himself. But from time to time, this demon makes itself felt, and a battle takes place inside one body and mind.

9. At the moment, Marcel is 25 years old, he is still looking for an opportunity to destroy the demon inside himself, but so far without success. The guy continues to work and even tries to improve his personal life.

10. Marcel is concerned about his appearance, so he tries to keep his body in good shape. Unfortunately, because of this obsession, he is often malnourished and underweight.

11. The guy has long wavy hair, which he sometimes dyes blue.

12. The scar on his back appeared due to the attack of the demon dragon, which he tried to expel a year ago, but it did not work out completely to get rid of the demon and the dragon often visits Marcel at night. The demon dragon turned out to be an incubus, so the wolf often cannot control himself and succumbs to the temptations of the demon.

13. At the moment, Marcel is lonely. His plans do not include finding a soul mate, but he often spends nights with different people to calm his lust. The wolf does not dare to have a serious relationship because of work.

14. The demon dragon, whom Marcel named Hitch, has become almost the only one with whom the wolf spends his free time. Surprisingly, these two have an interesting relationship that does not always end in bed. But Marcel carefully keeps this secret from the world, not wanting anyone to know that he is spending time with a demon.

15. Not so long ago, Marcel met an American who was a honey badger, the boy was very interested in the priest with his charisma and energy, because Marcel often lacked motivation and energy for anything other than work. Marcel can't call it an affair, he doesn't want to call it that, more like just a passing infatuation. But who knows what it might turn into.