A Timeless Timeline



6 months, 27 days ago


A Timeless Timeline

The old cat tale of how the clans came to be, the story of the clan founders are quite well known and it has been passed down for many seasons.

Once the lands were filled with magic, sorcerers and witches dominated everywhere, using their magic for harm, and those without the assistance of magical abilities suffered under their reign. It was a dangerous world back then, anyone who angered a witch would be put in their place, who knows what they'll do to you, they have so much power, power that only those who are born with it can fully control.

Some say that magic seizes your heart and slowly drains whatever kindness you had left, slowly corrupting you until you fall into the void, where you belong. As the world slowly fell to the corruption, three brave warriors have decided that they have had enough of the unfairness, they formed groups of other like minded cats and together they fought against the witches.

These brave warriors were called Hurricane, Dragon and Crystal. They sacrificed their lives in the final battle to keep this world from falling, as a memory for the founders, the clan were named after them, so their legacy would never be forgotten. Somewhere along the line, the clans started drifting from each other, too much infighting to keep the peace, but they knew they still had to stick together, the founders didn't like each other but the only reason they succeeded is because they stuck around.

And that's how it all started.

World History


Before the clans were established, most cats lived in family groups, in villages or tribes etc etc. These groups are usually rather small, no more than 10 members, those with magical abilities are more or less better off, that doesn't mean it was impossible to survive without magic but having magic definitely helps a ton.

Those who wished to live or travel alone had to bare a lot of control of their own magic, it was dangerous to live on this world without anyone to watch your back. Powerful sorcerers are highly respected and looked up to, they are the only ones who can pass on their abilities after all, and having magic in your blood was very helpful in life.


Now, the clans are well established, they're definitely the biggest groups out there, and they hate all kinds of magic. But the clans kind of live in their own little bubble, there are still plenty of magic wielders outside of the borders, the numbers have shrunk in size and they're less powerful over all, but they still exist.

Story Plot

The main story mostly follows Featherspire, a young cat in Hurricaneclan with outsider origins. He's born with magical abilities and has to try to learn how to control them in a environment that hates the blood that he was born with. They get help from the clan's healer, Flarelight and a witch that lives nearby called Amethyst.

Their help is useful but but Featherspire themself is the only cat who can control his magic, so should he pretend to be someone he's not or unleashed his true self? And will they use their powers for good or bad?

Over in Dragonclan, they seem to have a problem with pure white kits with red eyes, Viperstar says because of their eyes, they're actually spies for Voidclan and they should be eliminated. But some cats aren't as cruel as the leader and decided to help out. Witheredmoth was exiled from Dragonclan just when she was a kit, and she's now blazing with fury and vengeance.

And finally in Crystalclan, a group of young cats want to overthrow the current leader, Owlstar. But Owlstar is an old and experienced cat, they can't beat him in a fair fight alone. So, that's why they're using whatever their little grabby paws can get to take what they want, especially the leader of the revolutionaries, her name is Springlily and she isn't afraid to play dirty.

Blessings Ceremony

Apprentice's Blessings Ceremony

Once a kit has reached six moons, they will be promoted to an apprentice. The ceremony is held at dawn, the clan's healer will check if they are chosen by Starclan of being a healer, if they are not then they will train as a warrior. Once the apprentice gains their new name, the ceremony ends.

Healer apprentices are trained by the clan's healer, while warrior apprentices are trained by the whole clan, but a warrior can be the main mentor for a certain apprentice.

Warrior's Blessings Ceremony

When the leader thinks the time is right, they will let the senior warriors hold the apprentice's assessment, the assessment will test their hunting and fighting skills. In the morning, the apprentice will hunt, during this time, they will also need to be on the lookout for a starling, they cannot kill or harm the bird, but they must somehow retrieve a feather from it.

At dusk, the apprentice will be tested on their fighting skills in front of the whole clan, anyone can challenge them for a duel, the apprentice passes the test if they win, of course some exceptions will be made to make it fair. If the apprentice is deemed worthy, they will earn their warrior name and add their starling feather to the pile.

Deputy's Blessings Ceremony

The leader can hold this ceremony whenever they see fit, there isn't anything special about it as the leader is expected to lead well without much help. The deputy must take an oath to support their leader no matter what.

If the leader didn't choose a deputy before their passing, the healer will choose one with Starclan's guidance.

Healer's Blessings Ceremony

The ceremony is held at midnight in The Star Cove, every assessment is different for every healer, the ceremony is very private and only the healer themself will know what happened. They will wake up knowing their new name if they have been blessed by the stars.

Leader's Blessings Ceremony

The ceremony is held at midnight in The Star Cove, they will be accompanied by the clan's healer. The ceremony is private and only the newly appointed leader will know what happened. The leader must take an oath to do whatever Starclan says. Even though they only have one life just like the rest of their clanmates, they now have undying support from the stars.

This ceremony is the only time that the leader is allowed to speak with Starclan face to face, the next time they see Starclan's hunting grounds is when they're dead.



The Star Spirit

The Star Spirit, also known as The Star, rules over Starclan, they're the one that controls who is allowed to rest among the stars. They also choose new healers and bless new leaders, they don't interfere much other than that, letting the dead do more minor jobs. However, they do keep a close eye on the other gods.

Not many are blessed to see The Star in all their glory, but they are described to have frosted white fur with glowing eyes, their long flowy fur blends in with the misty clouds.

The Void Spirit

The Void Spirit, also known as The Void, rules over Voidclan. Their job is to simply watch over their territory and cats, since The Star calls all the shots on who goes where. Voidclan itself has a magical barrier that keeps cats from escaping, anyone can go in but no one can get out, only the gods aren't effected by the barrier.

The Void doesn't like to show their face very much, but they don't hide away like The Star does. They're a big pure black cat with flickering fire like eyes, they leave a trail of smoke and cinders in their wake.

The Wondering Spirit

The Wondering Spirit, also known as The Wonderer, watch over any cats that wishes to not join the sky where Starclan and Voidclan are, these cats are usually non clan cats. They walk with the dead and watch over the living with them, The Star calls their domain Wonderingclan or The Wondering though they themself don't really care about names all that much.

The Wonderer's appearance is inconsistent, everytime they show their face they wear a different mask, the only recognizable feature is their eyes. Their eyes look like their melting and their tears evaporate into smoke the second it meets the air, giving it them quite a look.

The Healer

Cats are only allowed to train as a healer if they were chosen by Starclan, and they're the only ones that can freely communicate with them. Healers are the connection between life and death, and they hold as much, if not more, power than the leader, the two must agree and work together to lead the clan.

Healers are like little messengers for the stars, and the clan will fall into the darkness without the guidance from them so no harm must come their way and they're protected at all costs.

Places of Worship

Since the healers are the only ones allowed to speak with Starclan, the rest of the cats can only go The Shifting Showers to pray. The Shifting Showers is a giant tree that blooms different colored flowers depending on the season. This sacred tree is said to be The Star Spirit's favorite and is watched over at all times, so whatever you say will be heard by them. All clans will gather by the tree on the night of the half moon to share news with the stars.

The Star Cove is located right beneath the tree, it's usually unassessable, covered up by the waters, only on the nights of a new or full moon will the tide lower itself and let the healers in. Inside the cove is a giant crystal growing from the ground with little streams of water flowing and tree roots breaking the ceiling and hanging down. The healers need to make sure to leave in the cove before day breaks or else they will be trapped and drowned.

The Importance Of Starlings

Starlings are believed to be The Star Spirit's eyes, they use them to watch over the clans and hunting one is incredibly forbidden and has dire consequences. Because starlings are apart of The Star in a way, that's why it's important that a warrior apprentice can collect one for their blessings ceremony, it proves that they've been blessed by The Star themself.

Other Beliefs

While the clans mainly worship The Star, non clan cats either worship The Wonderer or have their own sets of beliefs, usually some kind of variant from the three gods.

The Star loves the attention they get from the clans and may think that they are the most popular out of the three, but The Wonderer without a doubt has the most supporters, though they definitely aren't as devoted to them like the clans are to the stars.

How it Works


While having a physical magic isn't necessary to preform any spells, it's quite useful and makes it easier to summon and release your magical abilities. Any item can be enchanted with magic and turn into a source, the bigger the item, the more magic it will take, and the stronger the magic, the longer it will last.

Cats naturally born with magic gets the perk of having their magic run through their blood, the main reason they don't need a physical magic source to use their abilities.


Despite what the clans think, the abundance of magic hasn't really dwindled that much, there's less powerful magic going around yes, but magic isn't something that goes away and it will always be there no matter what.


There are many ways to aquire magic but the two main ways is being born with it or learning it later in life. It's also possible to transfer magical abilities through scarring, for example, a witch using a spell to inflict a scar on a cat with no prior experiences with magic.



The main feature of a magicborn cat is that they have two forms, their magic form and their cat form. With just a bit of practice and training, a magicborn can switch between the two forms without much hassle.

Every magic form is different from cat to cat, some forms might look more cat like while others might look like dragons. Most feel more comfortable in their magic form, saying it's their 'true form' while the other is just a disguise. But since magicborns are pretty rare and not many know about the different forms, they wear the disguise more often than not.

Non Magicborns

Cats that aren't born with magic in their blood has to learn it form scratch, that doesn't mean that they can't be great magic wielders though, it just takes more time and effort. On the plus side, their magic is often more versatile than magicborns.

A magicborn that's born with fire magic is going to have a hard time learning water or foral magic, but a non magicborn cat can wield and learn all kinds of magic, even if the abilities clash with each other.




Hurricaneclan's camp is in a carven underground, to protect themselves from predators and enemy clans, the entrance is covered with all sorts of plants to blend in with the scenery, though it's not hard to spot with trained eyes.

The dens are mostly natural tunnels in the carven, with sturdy plants like bramble to act as walls, there's a small stream that runs down the middle and cuts the camp in two, it's the only place in Hurricaneclan that has a consistent water source, though it still dries easily when it's hot.

There's a moss carpet covering the floor, and ivy and flowering vines growing on the walls, it's easily the most overgrown place in the whole territory because of the stream.



Hurricaneclan's territory is a mixture of woodlands and meadows, the forest isn't lush and there aren't that many different kinds of foliage. In the areas where it's too dry for the average plant, there are sandy hollows with big rocks, boulders and cliffs.


Hurricaneclan has always struggled for water and it's easy to pass out or even die from dehydration, especially in summer.




Dragonclan camp is surrounded by all sorts of plants, bushes you name it! It's super overgrown and the entrance is incredibly hard to find, new apprentices sometimes will accidentally lose sight of camp and forced sleep outside and wait till someone finds them.

The inside of camp is almost always covered in shadows, except at noon where the sun is at it's peek.



Dragonclan territory is a dense forest with a small lake in the middle, it's easy to get lost in and sunlight barely breaks through the thick canopy to the forest floor.


Out of the three clans, Dragonclan is the most against the usage of magic, they're strict on the rules and those breaking it are heavily punished. Dragonclan is also the most sheltered clan, not a lot of info gets in or out.




Crystalclan's camp is mostly in the open, there are a few short walls built up but it's easy to spot from any angle, the only thing covering it is a willow tree. Despite being out in the open and pretty 'vulnerable', they love decorating the camp with seashells, fishscales or anything that shines.



Crystalclan territory consists of small streams, deltas and beaches, there are only a few trees but they are big and old willow trees. The territory is also rather hilly and bumpy, making the streams turn into mini waterfalls and waterslides.


Because their camp is hidden very well, there perches in trees for warriors to keep watch on, this usually results in overworked warriors. Crystalclan cats has a tradition of giving seashells or shiny rocks to confess to their loved ones.

Other Groups

The Sunchasers

The Sunchasers are a small family group, they don't live in one place for too long and like to travel around to finding new places to hunt. They have a tradition of wearing the skull of their first catch, and they think scars are a sign of bravery.

The Vila

The villa are just different family groups settling together in one place, they love helping and giving hospitality to anyone that happens to stumbled across them.

Other Locations

Saros's place

Saros is a powerful sorcerer with a very unique appearance, she runs a witch hut of sorts with her friend Snowy. They sell magical potions and plants to anyone that may be seeking them, it's also an inn of some kind.

Wisteria's place

Wisteria and her daughter Amethyst cave alcove near Hurricaneclan's borders, because of the clans' hatred of magic, she has cast an illusion spell so only a few cats know of them.