


5 months, 8 days ago


Nikolaus __ (Late 20's - Early 30's)

A team manager at a magic tower. He handles paper work most of the time.

Chill and confident. He doesn't give a shit about self-image because he doesn't care what people think. He likes to do things for fun, but because of he's on the quieter side, people don't believe it at first. He's a smooth talker but that's because he's lazy and a trouble maker. More easy going than he seems, he doesn't hold grudges and rarely gets seriously upset. He's a cat-snake personality mix.

Likes to study ancient magic, scriptures and runes. He's a team manager not only because he's smart and makes good decisions, but because he makes too much of a mess on scene with magic that the higher up's got tired of cleaning up after him, so they made him stay in the office more often. (Also putting him in the position of having to clean up, though that doesn't stop him from still making messes. He can just clean it himself now so they can't really complain.) 

Multi-talented but clueless to romance, it's a wonder how he got married to Lorenz, his dumb partner. Unofficially been together since school, but they're both stupid and never officialized things until someone else pointed out how much like a couple they were in their late 20's. Niko knew he was in love with Renz since their senior year in school though but was comfortable with their dynamic and didn't see the need to say anything. They've been living together since their dorm days, with Niko as his "personal chef". Niko takes "revenge" in dragging Renz out in the morning despite the other being a morning-hater, they go gymming or hiking, whichever Niko fancies as he enjoys working out and watching Renz suffer.

Fun facts:

  • Was a smoker in school but changed to lollipops after meeting Renz (because Niko calls him Lolly and it reminds him of lollipops)
  • His ears are sensitive. He has a mole behind his left ear and by the right corner of his lip.
  • Right ear has 2 piercings, industrial and a normal loop. One is a magic enhancer, the other is a communication device.
  • Wears a golden ring from Renz, sometimes on his neck or his middle finger (placement choice by Renz), he usually puts it on his neck if he doesn't want it to be dirty.
  • He's got a natural semi-quirk to his mouth so it kind of looks like he's always smiling a little even if he's not.
  • Natural sleepy eyes and eye bags. No amount of sleep can make that go away.
  • Also needs reading glasses but doesn't like wearing them. Paperwork is his enemy. He usually skims words really fast or uses magic or asks someone to read it out loud for him.
  • Laziness extends to his clothing, he's always got something not done up, usually the top few buttons of his shirt, or his shoes are untied, belt buckled but not in the right place, etc.
  • Wears his hair up when he started going to work but otherwise leaves it down. It gets in the way of all the shitty reading he has to do.
  • There's invisible runes all over his body (neck down). They're protection charms he did on himself, they only show when activated. He gave Renz one at the back of his neck.
  • Learnt cooking from his older siblings.
  • He's the 'middle' child. Sister (Oldest, 8 years older) > Brother (5 years older) > Niko > Sister (Youngest, 10 years younger). 
    • Babysat his sister more often due to his parents and older siblings in work/school, which is how he's so patient with Renz.
  • Voice claim:
  • MBTI Type: ISFP