Johannes Werner Ludwig



6 months, 27 days ago


Johannes Werner Ludwig | He/Him | ENFP | Chaotic Good | Human | 47 | 193 (cm) / 6’4 (ft)

Johannes in a few words is a crazed, eccentric, and an awfully intelligent guy when it comes to his knowledge of the human body. Despite this, he holds himself to quite the high standard, having a very noticeable god complex. He does show a unique kindness to those who share the same interests as him

Born (Deadname) Werner Ludwig, in Stuttgart Germany to parents, Emmeline and Leopold Ludwig. Growing up (Deadname) was always a quiet, shut out kind of kid, usually never talking with much to anyone at school besides themselves. Really the only people they talked to were their stuffed animals. Not much happened during their life as a young child. It was until the death of their parents. A plane accident that took the lives of both of their parents, but not them. Seeing the bodies of their now deceased parents set off this chain of reaction that turned them into the person they are today. A year after the death, custody of (Deadname) came into the hands of their grandparents, Boden and Crescentia Ludwig, as well as their sister Maude. Their grandparents were the first people to see this change in (Deadname). The first one being a change of them as a person, mainly their gender. Now identifying as a man and adopting the name of Johannes, he wanted to start a new chapter of his life. One that would transpire into a twisted path of a morbid curiosity and looking towards the human body and how people can handle pain.

All during high school, Johannes experimented on dead bugs and animals he stumbled across, just observing the organs and systems of the limp creatures. By now he was even more of a shut out, but didn’t mind. All he was focused on was his desire to go into being a doctor, specifically a surgeon. In college he graduated top of his class, earning a doctor’s in medical science. After that, he applied for his medical license, but was quickly denied due to how crazed he got when he was in the operating room. He was banned from ever obtaining a medical license, in Germany at least. Which exactly was the reason why he emigrated to the US. Though the same thing happened there when he tried applying for his medical license, he illegitimately became a surgeon and doctor by being self taught on the few knowledge he learned. He became a surgeon for the people who needed something drastic that no other surgeon would do for them. That’s partially why RED looked towards him joining, so that they could have someone open minded when it came to doing surges that would otherwise get someone blacklisted from ever being a doctor again.

Common attributes/symbols: His current load out is the normal medigun, crusader’s crossbow, and the bonesaw. He also has a folded up picture of Misha in his pocket.

Common activities/hobbies: Knitting sweaters, Going to science museums, Discovering knew medicines and medical practices.

Setting: Basically Team Fortress 2 set in 1993. No fighting between RED/BLU and the only mode that exists is MVM.

You can draw them with:

  • Heavy Weapons Guy (boyfriend) - Hannes is obsessed with Misha and mainly his muscles.
  • Fritz V Friedrich (frenemies) - They constantly argue about their partners but often are seen performing surgeries together.

Additional stuff to keep in mind: Johannes is a transgender man! But he has had self performed too surgery and regularly takes HRT, so his body is covered in body hair, minus his face of course.