
Gender: Male
CP: 16
Breeding slots: 3
Original post
Tracker - a full line up of stories here

Yukio lives in down below the mountain road where Cronan lives. he has a small townhouse with a white and blue siding and a small green front yard. his house is on the second floor, it's a shared building with one other family downstairs. the downstairs family mostly gets the yard and the deck and such. but Yukio doesn't mind staying in his little apartment. it was a kitchen and living room combination and one bedroom with a staircase outside of the building like a fire escape that he uses to get in and out of the apartment. his little staircase deck doesn't really catch any sun but its just enough for him to use a grill and have a patio chair up there.
he currently works at a gas station down the street and spends his nights there as a night shift attendant. because it's so close to home he tends to go home on his breaks and takes longer hours than most. it's a small gas station with only two real gas pumps and a shed of a convenience store. but it pays well enough for him so he doesn't mind it.

Yukio is an energetic extrovert. he loves to show off to others and try and look like hes the best. he is pretty silly though, getting dirty and doing stupid jokes. he loves making his friends laugh. he took to Cronan right away when they met. he kind of adopted the introvert and they started hanging out all the time.
one of his favorite things is winter. he loves snow and cold. how sparkly and fancy everything looks when it's all white. he loves getting muddy or snow covered and rolls in it all the time. swimming in snow is more fun than actual swimming. sledding is also one of his favorite past times, he even tried to bring a sled to the ski jump once. 

Yukio had talked Cronan into joining him on a road trip this time. it was mid-December and the snow was down heavily all over the area. so Yukio was excited to take the big ski trip with his best friend. The two of them took Cronan's truck, packing everything in the bed. Cronan actually ended up driving. it was a bit of a drive, the two chatting the whole time with Yukio being over excited about snow of all things. something Cronan would never understand. but it made Yukio happy so, whatever right? as they pulled into the poorly plowed parking lot Yukio hopped out before Cronan could even finish parking.
"ey! wait up already!"
Cronan hurried to park it and jump out after him, helping grab out their stowed ski's. Yukio pulled out a large trash can lid as well.
"why do we need that..?" Cronan asked.
"it's a sled duh." Yukio tossed it over his shoulder like a shield.
"I dont think they would let a sled onto the slopes... let alone a trash can."
"no one ever said I was in the whole trash can, come on already were gonna be late!" Yukio started running into the lodge at the edge of the parking lot.
"for what? were not on a timer, Yuki!" he ran after him.
Cronan checked in at the desk while Yuki went ahead to get outside. Cronan barely catching up with him when Yuki went for the lift, hugging his sled like a little kid.
"Quite the view up here huh?" Cronan asked the lift moved pretty slowly.
"ah yeah, it is nice being so high up." Yuki stretched his neck trying to look behind them at the other sleds.
Yuki grabbed Cronan's paw "I'm glad I got to come with you! I know you hate the cold but it means a lot that you came."
"oh ah.. yeah, no problem." he smiled some, he hadn't expected Yuki to get so personal all of a sudden.
"were here!" Yuki bounded off the seat and into the snow at the top of the mountain.
his paws sank into the snow nearly up to his took him some time to fish himself out of the snow enough to get on the lid sled he had brought. Cronan chuckling watching him, standing nearby on top of the snow thanks to his ski's.
"give me a shove will ya!" Yuki looked back, his weight had pushed the sled into the snow quite a bit and he was stuck.
"yeah give me a second"
he waddled close to Yuki and tried pushing him, shuffling the sled forward making the hole deeper. it was slow pushing. making Cronan start panting after not long. as they reached the steep, almost cliffed slop Cronan started to get nervous for his friend.
"you sure about this?"
"yeah go!" Yuki tucked his legs in on the lid, holding the sides.
Cronan gave a small breath and gave him one final push. and the sled slipped over the edge of and rocketed down the snowy slope. at first, it skipped before hitting the curve of the slop near the bottom and sticking into it hard, sending Yuki forward into a drift bank. Yuki, however, was delighted the whole time, he popped his head out of the snow pretty quickly.
Cronan chuckled watching him. yuki scrambling back up the slope slowly.