


10 months, 16 hours ago


Name Immren Kylth
Age 47
Gender Cis Male (he/him)
Race Drow (Bhaalspawn)
Class Warlock / Sorcerer
Alignment Neutral Evil
Theme n/a

♡ Gortash + Gale

Worships Bhaal and Lolth

Great Old One Patron


Bhaal created him in his own image of Drow in mind. Immren is too tall for an elf, his limbs are lanky, and his fingers are also long and thin, kind of resembling spider legs. He has fangs that curve inward, also resembling a spider's features.




Sinister . Devout . Quiet

A matron mother found him in a pile of viscera deep in a secluded cave near Menzoberranzan when she saw blood dripping from the cave's mouth. She took interest in this male drow baby, a rare occurance because otherwise he would be deemed as worthless and be left where he was to simply die.

He grew up to be indoctrinated into Lolth society's belief system. To worship the Spider Queen, to view himself as lesser, to be distrusting of everyone around him. He survived his first assassination attempt at three years old by one of his sisters. He was fed different types of poison to develop an immunity to it.

He quickly had to learn how to survive while his violent urges remained unchecked. His mother often tried to kill him, and he tried to kill her in return. Obviously, she's older and way more experienced with assassination attempts. He was barely 5 years old, he was NEVER successful. However, he did manage to murder his sisters, all of them, when he caught each of them offguard.

He met an imp named Sceleritas Fel, who urged him to go to the surface, to go to Baldur's Gate. He called Immren 'master' and showered him in praises. Immren did feel compelled to listen to this imp, and journeyed to the surface, who then disappeared (Fel trusted that Immren could figure it out on his own.) He was only 5 years old at this point.

With the skillset he developed while living in Menzoberranzan, Immren was able sneak into the city and survive on the streets. He stole food, stole daggers from blacksmiths, was able to defend himself. He was adopted by another family and was shown genuine kindness for the first time in his life.

He's around 12 years old when he makes his first friend, a human child named Enver Flymm. Enver was a little younger than him, and was a little shit, a little controlling when they played together, but Immren enjoyed his company anyways. They often got into trouble together: pissing off the Flaming Fists, getting into fights with the street urchins, shoving each other into the ocean at the docks. Enver showed off a lot of gadgets he made, and even gifted Immren one of them: a switchblade, nothing too special. Immren never told Enver his name.

Then Enver disappeared and Immren murdered his adoptive parents. His kind, generous, loving parents. He didn't know why he did it. Sceleritas Fel showed up again after this event, and actually guided him through the sewers to the Temple of Bhaal.

Temple of Bhaal. That's where he's supposed to be.

Then Immren grew up to be the leader of the cult of Bhaal. He learned that he was crafted from Bhaal's very own gore, and that he's special. He still kept the mindset he grew up having in Lolth Sworn society, how he can't actually trust anyone. The Spider Queen ignores him. Bhaal is rare to show him love. Immren began feeling emotions of lost and confusion, and prayed to anything that could hear him. That's how he comes into contact with his patron, an otherworldly being he has never directly seen. It granted him power and promised expansive knowledge if it ever deems Immren worthy enough. It speaks to Immren from inside his body as long as he keeps its essence in his chest cavity.

Immren very much does not think of himself as a person. He's a weapon to act out Bhaal's divine plan. He is hateful and sadistic. He takes pride in leaving his victims in a violent, broken state with their entrails strung about, and gashes reaching from neck to pelvis. He learns of the rise of a Baneite cult, and begins targetting Bane worshippers to try to lure their leader out, which he learns to find that it's Enver. Who goes by Enver Gortash now.

They in fact reunite as old friends, but also reestablish an old alliance their Gods had. Gortash tells him of the grand plan, regarding the crown of Karsus and the fact that they could be rulers.

During this alliance, they form an intimate relationship in which Immren felt immense shame over. He often repented to his Father, asked for forgiveness, shed his blood and gore for Bhaal after every night with the Chosen of his God's enemy. After the successful heist to steal the crown from Mephistopheles' vault, Gortash and him have an emotionally charged night together, that very same night Immren whispered his own name into Gortash's ear. Allowing him that knowledge for the very first time.

His sister, Orin, a Bhaalspawn that served under the same Cult of Bhaal, eventually made a fool out of him. She was able to trick him, to lower his defenses with the use of her shapeshifting ability, morphing into the one man he trusts most: Enver Gortash. She was then able to strike, stabbing her brother repeatedly in the head and putting a mindflayer tadpole in his brain, resulting in him becoming the first True Soul and developing amnesia.

In the game's events, he wakes up on a mindflayer ship, and remembers absolutely nothing besides his own name. He still has his violent and hateful nature. He went down the evil path of killing the tieflings and druids. He didn't actually intend to side with the goblins, but often laughed at their demise whenever he witnessed it (usually the cause of it.) He shows absolute control when it came to his companions sticking by his side though, and developed an infatuation with the wizard Gale. Gale and Astarion, a vampire spawn, helped making him more empathetic towards other people's feelings quite honestly. He murdered the cleric, and accepted Bhaal into his life again, and renewed his alliance with Enver Gortash. He never remembered his past, but felt a similar feeling of "love" when Gortash allowed him to read old letters between them.

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