Jason Carnithia



6 months, 25 days ago


Draconic-Demon General OC | AMAB Neptunic | He/it

7/20/???? | 37 yrs old | 6"11




Table of Contents:    Playlist

1. Descriptive info

1.2 Clothing(?)

2. Personality

3. Other Info

4. Demon-Related info

5. Likes/Dislikes

6. Combat Info

7. Silly extra lore

Descriptive info

  • Currant & Merlot-colored scales. Currant is primary, Merlot is secondary, and is speckled across his body in a symmetrical fashion 
  • Head/face looks like it was supposed to be a dragon's maw but stopped growing halfway
  • Grey-ish blue, split tongue
  • Silver fur/hair that starts at the top of his head, then goes down his spine, and stops once it reaches his tails
  • Broad-shouldered, rectangle body shape
  • Clawed fingers
  • Backward-arching legs(you know how werewolves and kobolds legs bend backwards instead of forwards? This is the same thing)
  • Bulky/Muscular build
  • Running-built talons
  • Three scaly, needle-tipped tails (literally like a syringe or surgical needle)
  • Tail scales are discolored and less saturated
  • Bleeds blue blood 
  • Self-harm scars on wrists, on the base of one tail, and upper left thigh
  • Battle scars on his upper back (4, all quarter-sized, desaturated scales), 


He definitely has clothes I just genuinely cant think up what he might wear  


- Impulsive, stubborn, paranoid, protective, merciful, loyal

- Pushes people away to protect them

- Has a hard time validating his feelings

- Occasionally at war with intrusive thoughts and urges

- Wishes he was more in control of himself 

- The kind of guy to decline holding your cup before telling you a list of reasons why

Other Info

  • The High General of the Demon race
  • Right-Hand man of Azzy, the Demon Lord
  • Right-handed
  • Lover of Pyrrhu
  • His most common intrusive thoughts revolve around turning Pyrrhu(a human) into a demon
  • Currently working for Horizon, deity of Soul

Demon-Related info

  • Was specifically designed to kill or turn human individuals- whichever came first
  • Goes nuts over the smell of red blood, and even moreso over ichor, blood of the gods
  • Gets adrenaline rushes easily
  • The scales on his shoulders and neck can "stand" to reveal a second layer of softer, more malleable scales and tissue beneath
  • His tails can deplete his body of blood, nutrients, chemicals, and similar to inject in another being. This is also used to siphon out poisons or dangerous chemicals.

On occasion, he may: walk on all fours, make grumbly or growly noises, hiss or snarl, poke things with his tails, stalk unsuspecting people/animals, sleep in humanly impossible positions, approach the source of whistling noises, and gnaw on sturdy objects


  • Loves dark chocolate, ice cream, grilled chicken, shrimp, sun-bathing, fur/hair brushing(both as the giver and receiver), teaching, petrichor, spooning, physical affection, love songs, rock, STARSET, Al Yankovic, and Set It Off
  • Hates isolation, hurting his allies, cold climates, processed scents, other men touching, talking to, or even looking at Pyrrhu, being told what to do, tight clothes, and cats
  • Afraid of turning his non-demon allies into demons and killing/eating them alive, being seen as vulnerable, being killed by his own tails, needles in general, most surgical tools, and not being able to recover from an outrage

Combat Info

Uses tails, claws, talons, teeth, and head as weapons

Primary choice of weapons is claws and teeth

His tails can turn/be used against him depending on who or what he's facing up against

Does not like using guns and will refuse them at any opportunity