


6 months, 23 days ago

Basic Info

Dumbass ant-lookin motherfucker

He's a raider in an apocalypse setting. Name was Ant but everyone calls him pissant now and he's just learned to like the name


- happy go lucky Raider in a nuclear apocalypse / zombie apocalypse setting.

- Got the name Ant from the 2 spiked piercings towards the corners of his bottom lip- looks like mandibles, if you squint. The name devolved from there. 

- has a wide, gaping scar on the top right of his head, tapers down to his eye and goes almost to the back of his head, with the widest point in the scar being the back/center of scalp. Has crudely cut short blond hair covering left side of his head (sometimes dyed red). Right eye is fake / glass eye, and a different shade of the same color of his other eye. Body had a multiude of jagged scars, and an old small caliber bullet wound right above his hip on the left side.

- type of guy you look at and think "how the hell is this luckyass dumbass still alive"

- typically shirtless. Has metal shrapnel-adorned gloves and jagged brass knuckles. Stronger than he looks. Wears baggy black / dark camo cargo pants and steel-toe boots.