


6 months, 25 days ago


Name: Ryder

Age:  28 

Setting: Pokémon mystery dungeon

Sexuality: Bisexual

Nationality: Australian 

Power: Fire type, enhanced gravitational abilities he absorbed from a falling meteor.

Info: Ryder is a laid back Typhlosion who has been running as a solo rescuer for many years, he is estranged from the rest of his family at the moment as in the past he put his rescuing duties first, he has a secret ability to manipulate gravity in certain ways either by jumping higher or temporally lowering gravity in a small area around him, he has had this ability since he was a quill and got hit with a mysterious meteoroid hit him in the forest one day.

He occasionally throws in some Australian lingo into his sentences though it is fairly tame in his general day to day, he lives in a tree house on a hanging cliff which he has called home for several years, he wouldn't be opposed to being in an actual team especially as he gets older but for the most part thinks he is better off alone.