


5 months, 15 days ago


Mechinyan, She/They, Brave Tribe

“Oh geez… Another robo-jibanyan clone? Alright… What do you have for us…”

Well, honestly, I didn’t really have much for her to begin with 😭 she was a cool little design I came up with and never thought about ever again BUT I guess I could come up with some stuff!

as a silly little thing, I’d like to say she’s Robonyan’s competitor… Why? No reason. They just detected there was another robotic cat yo-kai out there and she was like “WE. ARE. GOING. TO. THROW. HANDS. ✊✊👊👊💥💥‼️‼️” (plus… it’s funny that… they’re a brave tribe yo-kai and he’s a tough tribe yo-kai… those tribes are always destined to fight each other.)

Mechinyan- funny enough- didn’t have a life before this! She was actually brought to life by the pure love, care, and passion their creator gave to her while building them for a school project! Mechinyan kinda became her own separate entity (still a yo-kai, of course, seeable by all… it’s a Manjimutt sorta deal y’know what I mean when I put that down?) and eventually, after a while, there was no need for Mechinyan anymore. So they decided that it was time for her to go although their creator didn’t want her to.
After being touched by their creator’s feelings, she ended up with a plan to visit their creator’s home often, checking up on him from time to time whenever she can.

Andddd yeah that’s kinda it!

Also Mechinyan isn’t built with high-tech stuff nor any high quality metal compared to Robonyan so they kinda argue over which is better… sigh