Larceny's Comments

Hi! just wondering if youre taking offers on em?

Sure! I'm pretty tentative with him, but feel free to offer! I'm mostly looking for soleis, especially designs by ampersandss, morph, and felty, but I'll look at any designs/species. I'd also consider resale with trade ^^

thank you for the opportunity!

i could offer this felty solei or this kibbowle hoodwing

or feel free to take a sweep thru my th! kurai and icarus are nfs

i unfortunately cant offer any real money but if youd be open to taking deviantart points i could also add up to 10k (equivalent to $100)

just wondering if you were interested? nws if not!

Heya! Apologies, I thought I wrote back, but apparently forgot to post it. You have some lovely characters, but sadly I don't think I could connect with any of them. Thanks so much for the interest though! ^^;

thats perfectly fine! ty for looking

Hi! Would you consider offers? 

Sure! I'm a bit tentative, but I'd mostly consider partial resale + trades