


5 years, 11 months ago


Working personality/story:

Speedwell is a garrulous and fiery bunny, always up to make friends, but just as likely to make enemies. She won't be talked down to or pushed around, and if anyone were to try to hurt her best friend Sasha, she would make sure they regretted it. Despite being small in stature and rather nearsighted, she is 100% ready to throw down at the slightest insult, so most of the time Sasha has to calm her down and defuse the situation before it gets out of hand.

She works the garden of their cottage and takes care of their chickens, but also mixes potions and simple spells from the herbs Sasha brings home.

(Speedwell and Sasha are not romantically involved, but fierce and steadfast friends, no matter what Speedwell might say or how she might act.)