Centipede Man



5 months, 10 days ago
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Basic Info

Cent "Centie" Ipede

Age: 23


Cent "Centie" was born to abusive parents and when he was likely 10 years old he got fascinated to study insects!

At age 15 he got subscripted forcely by his abusive father to a wrestling match for winning money for their bad deeds, he initially refused but the father threat to ground him if the doesn't win the match, and gave him a suit based on the Centipede, he decided to wear it and calling himself "The Human Centipede" to being laughted on and his parents facepalming, then a huge muscular man named "Clasher" laughted too and tried to slam him but he eventually defeated him, completely frightned he decided to leave alone the match, the family won 100,000$ and spent 99% on drogs and giving 1$ to their son.

At age 18 he tried to fight against his parents but they eventually kick him out and never ever allowing him to return, with an outrage in his mind, he decided to develop a Centipede suit and naming himself the "Centipede Man".

At age 20 he went completely insane and with his two guns he break down his parents house and killed both of them.

Still at age 23 he's wanted for murder of his own abusive parents.