Fáng Huā Ài [防花爱]



9 months, 29 days ago


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Fáng Huā Ài [防花爱]

"A song to heal the heart."

A simple songstress.



  • CREATOR Inkqubus
  • DESIGNER Inkqubus
  • VERSE Pokerealms
  • ROLE Travelling songstress.
  • WORTH $$$

"Perhaps a duet?"

Hua Ai sees beauty even in dark places and is known for her positive outlook and problem-solving skills. She cares for others like a mother or big sister and has a forgiving nature, avoiding violence even when harmed. Music is her way of expressing feelings..

Hua Ai sees beauty even in dark places and is known for her positive outlook and problem-solving skills. She cares for others like a mother or big sister and has a forgiving nature, avoiding violence even when harmed. Music is her way of expressing feelings. Growing up in Twinleaf with loving parents, she pursued music inspired by her singer mother. After studying in Snow Point, tragedy struck when her mother fell ill. Hua Ai supported her grieving father and, at 25, started traveling as a singer. She performs for all, regardless of wealth, adapting to circumstances. Despite her travels, she cares for her father, making sure he's looked after and sending him treats.


Hua Ai finds the beauty in even the most dark and dreary places. This doesn't mean she is a blind optimist, however, she just prefers to find the silver linings. This also allows her to problem solve, and believe me, she will. Her heart is open to everyone and she is prone to wanting to help and take care of those around her. Very much like a mother or big sister.

A flaw of her's is forgiving. She is willing to forgive almost anyone regardless of what they have done to her. She doesn't believe in violence, even if the other harmed her physically. Hua Ai is absolutely a pacifist.

Her music is a way to understand what her feelings are as she expresses herself in music.



Hua Ai's parents settled in Twinleaf before she was born. Both of her parents were very loving and supportive of her, always building up her hobbies and interests as a child. This helped her prosper as someone who was greatly interested in music. Her mother had been a singer in her younger years, now retired, and Hua Ai wanted to be just like her. To her, her mother was grace, love, and elegant. Her dad was strong, but loving and understanding. Her childhood was full of loving and happy memories.

As a teenager, Hua Ai moved to Snow Point for a while to learn from various tutors and highly regarded scholars. Her father wanted her to be a well rounded and well-educated woman. She did not mind it at all and stayed there for around ten years. Getting a note that her mother was ill, she went home.

Her mother ended up with heart problems, this caused her to pass away at home, surrounded by her loving family. Hua Ai was devastated, but she stayed home to help her grieving father. When she turned 25, her father, while not over the death of his wife, wanted his daughter to go out into the world and not worry about him. It was hard, but he persuaded Hua Ai.


Hua Ai travels across regions as a singer. She performs in all sorts of venues, from singing for those who aren't that well off, to singing for the rich. She does not discriminate even if someone doesn't have enough money. Circumstaces always dictate her next moves. She often goes home to visit her aging father, having been able to afford a care-taker for him. They are still close and she will send snacks home for him.

  • TBA
  • TBA.
  • TBA


  • AGE 28.
  • BIRTHDAY July 5.
  • GENDER Female [She/Her].
  • POKEMON Igglybuff.
  • TYPE Normal/Fairy.
  • ABILITY Cute Charm - The opponent has a 30% chance of being induced with Attract when using an attack, that requires physical contact, against this Pokémon.
  • NATURE Calm.
  • OCCUPATION Musician.
  • SEXUALITY To Be Determined.
  • HEIGHT 5'8".
  • REGION Sinnoh.
  • BIRTHPLACE Twinleafs.
  • SOCIAL STATUS Musician.


  • EYES: Red.

  • BODY: Lithe.

  • HAIR:Pink in a bun.

  • MARKS:N/A.

  • NAILS: Pink

  • THREE SIZES: Unknown • Unknown • Unknown

  • List your character's distinguishing features here. This section will scroll. Vestibulum ante neque
  • Maecenas viverra consequat
  • Pellentesque at enim venenatis
  • Proin eget neque non sem porta aliquet
  • Etiam fermentum rutrum






  • List how your character carries themselves here. Are they graceful and elegant? Do they slouch? Are they intimidating? This section will scroll.
  • Maecenas viverra consequat
  • Pellentesque at enim venenatis
  • Proin eget neque non sem porta aliquet
  • Etiam fermentum rutrum
  • CASUAL: Describe your character's casual outfit/ preferred outfit for casual wear. Feel free to link an image to the outfit here too if available while you're at it.

  • FORMAL: Describe your character's formal outfit/ preferred outfit for formal wear. Feel free to link an image to the outfit here too if available while you're at it.

  • SUMMER: Describe your character's summer outfit/ preferred outfit for summer wear. Feel free to link an image to the outfit here too if available while you're at it.

  • AUTUMN: Describe your character's autumn outfit/ preferred outfit for autumn wear. Feel free to link an image to the outfit here too if available while you're at it.

  • WINTER: Describe your character's winter outfit/ preferred outfit for winter wear. Feel free to link an image to the outfit here too if available while you're at it.

  • SPRING: Describe your character's spring wear outfit/ preferred outfit for spring wear. Feel free to link an image to the outfit here too if available while you're at it.

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  • ACCESSORY: Describe your character's accessory here. This box will scroll.

  • ACCESSORY: Describe your character's accessory here. This box will scroll.

  • ACCESSORY: Describe your character's accessory here. This box will scroll.

  • ACCESSORY: Describe your character's accessory here. This box will scroll.

  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown

HOBBY: Describe/ explain your character's hobby here. This section will scroll. Fusce quis magna scelerisque, consequat ex non, cursus urna. Curabitur vel auctor lacus. Cras augue ante, tempus lacinia purus sit amet, lobortis imperdiet mi.

HOBBY: Sed vulputate vestibulum nibh, id sagittis nunc maximus eu. Nulla vel sagittis diam. In malesuada eu risus non tempus. Proin iaculis a odio et pharetra. Phasellus dictum magna sit amet augue efficitur congue non id felis.

HOBBY: Vivamus tristique ultrices tincidunt. Vestibulum vestibulum ante ac luctus sagittis. In mollis metus libero, vel varius enim ultricies at. Morbi tempor nisi ac magna pharetra, non accumsan sapien consequat. Proin imperdiet porttitor vulputate.

HABIT: Describe/ explain your character's habit here. This section will scroll. Fusce quis magna scelerisque, consequat ex non, cursus urna. Curabitur vel auctor lacus. Cras augue ante, tempus lacinia purus sit amet, lobortis imperdiet mi.

HABIT: Sed vulputate vestibulum nibh, id sagittis nunc maximus eu. Nulla vel sagittis diam. In malesuada eu risus non tempus. Proin iaculis a odio et pharetra. Phasellus dictum magna sit amet augue efficitur congue non id felis.

HABIT: Vivamus tristique ultrices tincidunt. Vestibulum vestibulum ante ac luctus sagittis. In mollis metus libero, vel varius enim ultricies at. Morbi tempor nisi ac magna pharetra, non accumsan sapien consequat. Proin imperdiet porttitor vulputate.

  • WAY OF SPEAKING: Unknown

  • COMMON STARTER: "Unknown."

  • SWEARS?: Unknown

  • QUIRKS: Unknown

If you want, you can describe your character's way of speaking here. This box will scroll. Maecenas eu bibendum tellus, dignissim accumsan risus. Phasellus non orci mollis, blandit dui at, elementum sem. Praesent posuere pretium enim a interdum. Nulla pulvinar lobortis tincidunt.

  • "Put a quote here."
  • "Put a quote here."
  • "Put a quote here."
  • "Put a quote here."
  • "Put a quote here."
  • COLOUR Unknown
  • FOOD Unknown
  • SEASON Unknown
  • TIME OF DAY Unknown
  • HOLIDAY Unknown
  • ANIMAL Unknown
  • GENRE Unknown

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STRENGTH: Describe/ explain your character's strength here. This section will scroll. Fusce quis magna scelerisque, consequat ex non, cursus urna. Curabitur vel auctor lacus. Cras augue ante, tempus lacinia purus sit amet, lobortis imperdiet mi.

STRENGTH: Sed vulputate vestibulum nibh, id sagittis nunc maximus eu. Nulla vel sagittis diam. In malesuada eu risus non tempus. Proin iaculis a odio et pharetra. Phasellus dictum magna sit amet augue efficitur congue non id felis.

STRENGTH: Vivamus tristique ultrices tincidunt. Vestibulum vestibulum ante ac luctus sagittis. In mollis metus libero, vel varius enim ultricies at. Morbi tempor nisi ac magna pharetra, non accumsan sapien consequat. Proin imperdiet porttitor vulputate.

WEAKNESS: Describe/ explain your character's weakness here. This section will scroll. Fusce quis magna scelerisque, consequat ex non, cursus urna. Curabitur vel auctor lacus. Cras augue ante, tempus lacinia purus sit amet, lobortis imperdiet mi.

WEAKNESS: Sed vulputate vestibulum nibh, id sagittis nunc maximus eu. Nulla vel sagittis diam. In malesuada eu risus non tempus. Proin iaculis a odio et pharetra. Phasellus dictum magna sit amet augue efficitur congue non id felis.

WEAKNESS: Vivamus tristique ultrices tincidunt. Vestibulum vestibulum ante ac luctus sagittis. In mollis metus libero, vel varius enim ultricies at. Morbi tempor nisi ac magna pharetra, non accumsan sapien consequat. Proin imperdiet porttitor vulputate.

STUN POUND: The target is physically pounded with a long tail, a foreleg, or the like.

SING: A soothing lullaby is sung in a beautiful voice that puts the target to sleep.

COPYCAT: The user mimics the move used immediately before it. This move fails if no other move has been used yet.

PERISH SONG: Any Pokémon that hears this song faints in three turns, unless it switches out of battle.


GOAL: Describe/ explain your character's goal here. This section will scroll. Fusce quis magna scelerisque, consequat ex non, cursus urna. Curabitur vel auctor lacus. Cras augue ante, tempus lacinia purus sit amet, lobortis imperdiet mi.

GOAL: Sed vulputate vestibulum nibh, id sagittis nunc maximus eu. Nulla vel sagittis diam. In malesuada eu risus non tempus. Proin iaculis a odio et pharetra. Phasellus dictum magna sit amet augue efficitur congue non id felis.

GOAL: Vivamus tristique ultrices tincidunt. Vestibulum vestibulum ante ac luctus sagittis. In mollis metus libero, vel varius enim ultricies at. Morbi tempor nisi ac magna pharetra, non accumsan sapien consequat. Proin imperdiet porttitor vulputate.

FEAR: Describe/ explain your character's fear here. This section will scroll. Fusce quis magna scelerisque, consequat ex non, cursus urna. Curabitur vel auctor lacus. Cras augue ante, tempus lacinia purus sit amet, lobortis imperdiet mi.

FEAR: Sed vulputate vestibulum nibh, id sagittis nunc maximus eu. Nulla vel sagittis diam. In malesuada eu risus non tempus. Proin iaculis a odio et pharetra. Phasellus dictum magna sit amet augue efficitur congue non id felis.

FEAR: Vivamus tristique ultrices tincidunt. Vestibulum vestibulum ante ac luctus sagittis. In mollis metus libero, vel varius enim ultricies at. Morbi tempor nisi ac magna pharetra, non accumsan sapien consequat. Proin imperdiet porttitor vulputate.

  • POSTURE: Unknown

  • SMOKES/ DRUGS?: Unknown



If you want, you can describe your character's health here. This box will scroll. Maecenas eu bibendum tellus, dignissim accumsan risus. Phasellus non orci mollis, blandit dui at, elementum sem. Praesent posuere pretium enim a interdum. Nulla pulvinar lobortis tincidunt.

Aenean placerat porta lectus, ut efficitur ipsum hendrerit sit amet. Donec euismod erat ac mi pharetra, sed facilisis lectus accumsan. Quisque gravida rhoncus facilisis. Ut erat lectus, imperdiet nec ligula at, hendrerit maximus velit. Duis posuere libero enim, vel ultrices nulla laoreet eget. Curabitur eu porta nulla, id rutrum elit.

  • Put miscellaneous facts about your character here. This box will scroll. Mauris eget venenatis arcu. Nulla imperdiet justo posuere, euismod est in, porttitor nisi.
  • Duis scelerisque risus vel mollis laoreet. Curabitur semper justo id cursus congue. Nunc a quam congue, gravida arcu ut, posuere velit.
  • Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aliquam euismod, lectus non placerat gravida, orci tellus facilisis sapien, aliquam mattis ligula turpis tincidunt lorem.
  • Cras pellentesque enim sed est rhoncus commodo. Nullam dignissim turpis quis nulla dapibus, et pulvinar diam euismod. Nunc tortor nisi, mattis quis nisi nec, ultricies rhoncus eros. In vel ultrices leo.



  • DYNAMIC: Unknown

  • HOW CLOSE ARE THEY?: Unknown

Describe the character's relationship here. This box will scroll. Etiam porta auctor libero nec lobortis. Sed quis ex quis felis malesuada vestibulum ut non justo. Maecenas scelerisque laoreet quam, sit amet congue elit molestie venenatis.

Duis rhoncus purus id velit maximus, eget condimentum ipsum ultrices. Sed sed viverra justo. Integer vitae lacinia neque. Vivamus sodales quam ut odio blandit lobortis. Nam porttitor, augue non pulvinar commodo, enim ante auctor elit, a iaculis enim turpis accumsan tortor. Integer sagittis ligula at tellus fringilla, non tincidunt quam condimentum. Vestibulum auctor ut nisl eget bibendum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque non porta nisi, iaculis convallis nulla.

A'S THOUGHTS ON B: "In character, give Character A's thoughts on Character B. This box will not scroll. Nunc fringilla vehicula diam, dictum porttitor ligula eleifend volutpat. Nunc ultricies pharetra sem, in consectetur tellus gravida eget. Vivamus fringilla odio quis hendrerit cursus. Sed vulputate et est sed facilisis."

B'S THOUGHTS ON A: "In character, give Character B's thoughts on Character A. This box will not scroll. Maecenas nisi nibh, egestas nec hendrerit id, scelerisque et urna. Donec eget sem nisl. Phasellus scelerisque varius tellus, quis fringilla sem placerat a."


  • DYNAMIC: Unknown

  • HOW CLOSE ARE THEY?: Unknown

Describe the character's relationship here. This box will scroll. Etiam porta auctor libero nec lobortis. Sed quis ex quis felis malesuada vestibulum ut non justo. Maecenas scelerisque laoreet quam, sit amet congue elit molestie venenatis.

Duis rhoncus purus id velit maximus, eget condimentum ipsum ultrices. Sed sed viverra justo. Integer vitae lacinia neque. Vivamus sodales quam ut odio blandit lobortis. Nam porttitor, augue non pulvinar commodo, enim ante auctor elit, a iaculis enim turpis accumsan tortor. Integer sagittis ligula at tellus fringilla, non tincidunt quam condimentum. Vestibulum auctor ut nisl eget bibendum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque non porta nisi, iaculis convallis nulla.

A'S THOUGHTS ON B: "In character, give Character A's thoughts on Character B. This box will not scroll. Nunc fringilla vehicula diam, dictum porttitor ligula eleifend volutpat. Nunc ultricies pharetra sem, in consectetur tellus gravida eget. Vivamus fringilla odio quis hendrerit cursus. Sed vulputate et est sed facilisis."

B'S THOUGHTS ON A: "In character, give Character B's thoughts on Character A. This box will not scroll. Maecenas nisi nibh, egestas nec hendrerit id, scelerisque et urna. Donec eget sem nisl. Phasellus scelerisque varius tellus, quis fringilla sem placerat a."


  • DYNAMIC: Unknown

  • HOW CLOSE ARE THEY?: Unknown

Describe the character's relationship here. This box will scroll. Etiam porta auctor libero nec lobortis. Sed quis ex quis felis malesuada vestibulum ut non justo. Maecenas scelerisque laoreet quam, sit amet congue elit molestie venenatis.

Duis rhoncus purus id velit maximus, eget condimentum ipsum ultrices. Sed sed viverra justo. Integer vitae lacinia neque. Vivamus sodales quam ut odio blandit lobortis. Nam porttitor, augue non pulvinar commodo, enim ante auctor elit, a iaculis enim turpis accumsan tortor. Integer sagittis ligula at tellus fringilla, non tincidunt quam condimentum. Vestibulum auctor ut nisl eget bibendum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque non porta nisi, iaculis convallis nulla.

A'S THOUGHTS ON B: "In character, give Character A's thoughts on Character B. This box will not scroll. Nunc fringilla vehicula diam, dictum porttitor ligula eleifend volutpat. Nunc ultricies pharetra sem, in consectetur tellus gravida eget. Vivamus fringilla odio quis hendrerit cursus. Sed vulputate et est sed facilisis."

B'S THOUGHTS ON A: "In character, give Character B's thoughts on Character A. This box will not scroll. Maecenas nisi nibh, egestas nec hendrerit id, scelerisque et urna. Donec eget sem nisl. Phasellus scelerisque varius tellus, quis fringilla sem placerat a."


  • DYNAMIC: Unknown

  • HOW CLOSE ARE THEY?: Unknown

Describe the character's relationship here. This box will scroll. Etiam porta auctor libero nec lobortis. Sed quis ex quis felis malesuada vestibulum ut non justo. Maecenas scelerisque laoreet quam, sit amet congue elit molestie venenatis.

Duis rhoncus purus id velit maximus, eget condimentum ipsum ultrices. Sed sed viverra justo. Integer vitae lacinia neque. Vivamus sodales quam ut odio blandit lobortis. Nam porttitor, augue non pulvinar commodo, enim ante auctor elit, a iaculis enim turpis accumsan tortor. Integer sagittis ligula at tellus fringilla, non tincidunt quam condimentum. Vestibulum auctor ut nisl eget bibendum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque non porta nisi, iaculis convallis nulla.

A'S THOUGHTS ON B: "In character, give Character A's thoughts on Character B. This box will not scroll. Nunc fringilla vehicula diam, dictum porttitor ligula eleifend volutpat. Nunc ultricies pharetra sem, in consectetur tellus gravida eget. Vivamus fringilla odio quis hendrerit cursus. Sed vulputate et est sed facilisis."

B'S THOUGHTS ON A: "In character, give Character B's thoughts on Character A. This box will not scroll. Maecenas nisi nibh, egestas nec hendrerit id, scelerisque et urna. Donec eget sem nisl. Phasellus scelerisque varius tellus, quis fringilla sem placerat a."


  • DYNAMIC: Unknown

  • HOW CLOSE ARE THEY?: Unknown

Describe the character's relationship here. This box will scroll. Etiam porta auctor libero nec lobortis. Sed quis ex quis felis malesuada vestibulum ut non justo. Maecenas scelerisque laoreet quam, sit amet congue elit molestie venenatis.

Duis rhoncus purus id velit maximus, eget condimentum ipsum ultrices. Sed sed viverra justo. Integer vitae lacinia neque. Vivamus sodales quam ut odio blandit lobortis. Nam porttitor, augue non pulvinar commodo, enim ante auctor elit, a iaculis enim turpis accumsan tortor. Integer sagittis ligula at tellus fringilla, non tincidunt quam condimentum. Vestibulum auctor ut nisl eget bibendum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque non porta nisi, iaculis convallis nulla.

A'S THOUGHTS ON B: "In character, give Character A's thoughts on Character B. This box will not scroll. Nunc fringilla vehicula diam, dictum porttitor ligula eleifend volutpat. Nunc ultricies pharetra sem, in consectetur tellus gravida eget. Vivamus fringilla odio quis hendrerit cursus. Sed vulputate et est sed facilisis."

B'S THOUGHTS ON A: "In character, give Character B's thoughts on Character A. This box will not scroll. Maecenas nisi nibh, egestas nec hendrerit id, scelerisque et urna. Donec eget sem nisl. Phasellus scelerisque varius tellus, quis fringilla sem placerat a."

Code by Aurorean