
6 months, 27 days ago

Basic Info


$10 (discord nitro)


$36 + 140 SD


"Go away. I don't know you, and don't want to."






April 22nd











Sable is a very silent type of guy, hating conversation with people in general. He hates crowds and hates people. He'd rather die then talk to some random person. That's what he says anyways.

He comes off as INCREDIBLY rude at first, on purpose of course. He would rather scare you away than be bothered. Especially when he's trying to sleep or smoke. Even as one gets to know him, he'll still be rude, hoping for the off-chance that you'll leave him alone.  

He's extremely violent when pissed off, and will show no mercy. He does not care about you, your feelings or well-being. He wants to be left alone, almost at all times. He's hard to be friends with, as he doesn't completely understand why in the world you would want to be friends with him of all people. There are so many other people, why must you bother him????

He's a very sleepy kind of guy. He loves his sleep and is almost always seen dozing off. He always sleeps in cold places if he can, for more than one reason. "It's comfortable to sleep in the cold. I'm not bothered by the cold." DO NOT SING THE FUCKING FROZEN LYRICS. He will punt you. "Oh? Another reason?? Humans cannot take extremely cold weather. If I sleep where know one else goes, I will be left alone. Surely."
Yeah not for long. Due to a certain fire fox anyways.

Loves to call people nicknames, always forgetting their actual names. Why would he have to remember something so insignificant??? You're not important, after all.

Not much is known about Sable whatsoever. He hardly remembers anything himself, unless he does and if he does, no one's getting him to talk.

He's somewhere in the thousands, age wise. He doesn't even know the exact number, and whenever someone asks, he'll just tell them to go bother someone else.

No one knows where this orca is from, one could guess the ocean, but even Sable himself doesn't remember. He always avoids background information when he can, definitely if he doesn't know you. He hates conversation in general, why would he tell you anything about his background?? Weirdo.

He loves the night-time and will often be found walking around when it's dark and freezing cold. 

 EMBER ♡♡♡♥♥

Ember annoys him until he actively avoids her, which ends up never happening for some reason. They get along well, except for when they get into their childish arguments, those of which he never starts.

 STATIC ♡♡♡♥♥

Static doesn't hardly ever bother him, which he loves. When they do conversate, it's always calm and collected. Very short too, which Sable again, loves. He hates long conversations, those of which Static does not care to have. Not with him anyways.


 MONO ♡♡♡♥♥

Mono doesn't talk, hardly at all. Sable hates to be bothered, and Mono doesn't bother him. Simple and plain as that. His outfits are always cool and he's also an orca, just like him. He keeps to himself, which is what Sable would like to do....if it wasn't for a certain fireball.

  • Absolutely loves cold weather.
  • Chain-smoking idiot
  • Likes eating ice. "Reminds me of something."
  • Hates crowded places.
He will talk to you for hours on end about the moon and stars (he knows nothing about them, he'll just compliment them), ff course, if he knows and likes you.

He stays out late on cold nights and usually is found sleeping in the coldest places he can find. Sometimes he stays out too long though and ends up passing out wherever the heck he is. loves to ear ice, and when you ask, he always says the same thing: "It reminds me of something familiar."

Smokes an ungodly number of cigarettes and will glare at you and insult you if you comment about it.
"None of your damn business about what I do."
That would be the end of any conversation you'd had with him again. Of course, if you're close with him it's a different story. He'll bitterly joke about it.

This man hardly eats, instead would rather sleep. You have to force this man to do anything other than smoke or sleep, and he's not a nice person. You annoy him too much he'll have you pinned before you blink.

He's not that violent if you stay away from him. Even the people he's closest to, he'll punch.