The Basket | Adopts OPEN



5 months, 25 days ago


some late november guys!

if bought/won, you can:

use the design (with direct credit given to weremars at least once)

use the art (with credit every time)

change the design as you please

resell for what you bought them for (plus added cost of extra art if the artist gives permission)

please don't claim unless you can pay; if you do this repeatedly, we will not accept future offers to buy our adopts.

please don't make unsolicited offers; we will not be accepting art or other designs!

please don't use any of these designs in "breedables", for profit or otherwise.

please don't color pick or take close inspiration from our designs. doing so results in an immediate block and blacklist.

NOTICE: We do not allow any of these designs, prior adopts, or any of our artwork to be made or used as an NFT or any art-based cryptocurrency, nor as fodder for any AI art banks. By purchasing our art and designs, you agree to this term. A breach of this term will result in us permanently confiscating your design, as well as any and all of our artwork.

⭐️ These are flatsales, each for $32 USD. ⭐️

FCFS- to claim, comment with the number! Once payment has been received, the design will be made into a character and will be transferred to you.

Once all of these have been claimed, this listing will be deleted!

Every design by me. Base by monday!


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