$3 customs/comms! (CLOSED)



6 months, 20 days ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)


NOTICE: Hi hi everyone!! I'm really sorry these are taking so much longer than expected, I've been preparing with my marching band to go out of country for the London NYDP (pretty cool, at least as an American lol) as well as preparing for finals week, so safe to say I've been pretty busy recently :,) I will have some time this weekend and LOTS of time after next week to work on them though, so hopefully I'll manage to get through a few of em pretty quickly over the weekend, and if I don’t get yours done by then expect to have it done after next week! 

NOTICE 2: Hey again! My Christmas break is finally here and I should be able to get through a lot of these before I leave for London! Thank you all so much for your patience! :D

NOTICE 3 (12/27/23): So as of today i officially leave the country! I may be able to work on some of these on the plane, however once we land I doubt I'll have the time to get to work on any of these with all the touring and band stuff my director has set up (to make it an "educational experience") so I'll probably work on the bulk of these when I get back!

Hi hi! I’ve been having a lot of fun drawing these little sillies (plus I need money for when my marching band goes to London in a couple of weeks) so I figured why not take commissions for em if people are interested! They’re $3 each, and you can either get a custom or a commission of one of your characters in this silly style! 

If you want a custom, please comment what species and theme you would like (any mood boards, color palettes, character references, etc).

If you want a commission, please comment a link to or reference of your character and any special requests you have (items to be included, poses, expressions, etc).

I typically take PayPal (which is my preferred payment), however I am also completely fine taking Cashapp or just going through Ko-fi as well,  whatever you prefer!

I can do both anthros and ferals, however please note that (as I’ve recently discovered :,] ) the anthros will likely be a little larger and somewhat more detailed than the ferals.

If you’re wanting a larger commission of mine (think less little guys and more big guys), then feel free to check out my Ko-fi! 

Queue (not including finished works):  
-  papy0 (1 custom)
-  Viktor (Frankenstein) (1 commission)
-  Accio (1 custom)
- MissLysander (3 customs)
- Minjoo (4 commissions and 1 custom/redesign)

This for a lot more attention than I thought it would oml! Thank you all for the commissions, they really do help a lad (me) out!