Isadore's Comments

heyy my dad gave me some money today so i can buy this kid now :D

Ok! Send anytime ^_^ [email protected] 

Okay money should be sent!

Thank you! Sending the character

I wanna ask for a hold but idk how you'll feel about waiting on that rn ^^;; (actually was gonna draw them for ya lol)

just depends on how long you think the hold might be :3

probably around the usual 2 weeks for money to come in, i wont have to pay much upcoming next payment (this one i did but my dad accidently gave me extra money again cause the teller made a mistake so he let me keep it lol) Christmas is gonna give me a huge boost so it'll def be around the end of the holidays here i'll get some extra cash :D

okay i can hold then :3

ahh thankss ;;w;; I'll probably send the money for him first then so it's outta the way when i get it owo / ~*

Could i offer usd?

sure, i would resell for the price i paid: $15

Could i 15 $ with a hold for a week through paypal?<3

sure i can hold it for you for a week :3

Could you send ur paypal so i can pay it later this week?<3

3 Replies