
6 months, 13 days ago


name leon
age 21
pronouns they/them
height 163 cm
Demeanor haughty

code jiko


"leon has the backstory of a yuri manhwa"

reading, writing, journaling, gossip, praise, dressing up
being bad at anything, when people don't pay attention to them

Serious Silly
Cautious Impulsive
Social Reserved
Calculating Earnest
Emotional Rational
Productive Lazy

Illegitimate child of a wealthy noble and a house maid, born and raised in their father's mansion, but exiled after his death. Leon was taught from a young age by his late mother to be a people pleaser, as a way to gain the approval of the rest of the family and secure their place and future as a part of it. However, Leon was unable to win the heart of the head of the estate, their father’s wife, who hated them as both a reminder of her husband’s infidelity and a threat to overshadow her own children.

Said upbringing along with their natural charisma and good looks makes them almost impossible not to like. They’re very observant and read carefully into a person’s character to find a way into their heart. Their real personality is actually quite awful. They were spoiled and pestered basically their entire life and need someone to take care of them.

Design Notes
  • sharp nails, fangs, cat irises, all that. a lot of body hair (that i need to draw more)
  • black choker
  • doesn't wear glasses
  • cant cook. obviously. AND a picky eater
  • lies for fun. sometimes even when they don't actually mean to
  • their eyesight gets worse in broad daylight. annoying but manageable
  • loves pretty dresses and skirts but doesn't own any since they weren't allowed to wear them at the mansion

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