


6 months, 14 days ago


Name: Zaycor
Nicknames: James, Charles, "James and/or Charles", J.A.
Race: Half-Elf (Drow heritage)
Gender: Male
Age: ~140 years
Height: 164cm
Class: Monk (Way of the Sun Soul - monk powers manifested as blue flames)
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Party: Unnamed
Tool proficiency: Cook's utensils
Preferred Weapons: Kitchen knife, bare fists, darts

STR 14 | DEX 18 | CON 14 | INT 12 | WIS 16 | CHA 11

Calm (usually) | Quiet | Knows his worth even when working as a servant | Trustworthy | Doesn't show his emotions easily / poker face | "Good intentions, questionable methods"

James is suspiciously fond of kitchen knives and has one with him about all the time.
He also has a great interest towards anthropology and the ways how humans behave. (He was always interested to follow the plotting between his master family, the Duhns, and their greatest rival family of nobles, the Bullies.)

Short bio:

Worked for about a century as a servant (and later as a butler) for a human noble family, the Duhns.

Later went to travel the world with a so-called son of the noble family, Alabaster, and a Paladin called Sir Bronson.

Eventually found out he's actually a phoenix god slammed in a mortal's body and his memories of his godhood were wiped off.

_ _ _


Zaycor was born in the Underdark to a human slave and grew up among the slaves. His mother passed away due to an illness when he was still rather young, and shortly after that the boy was sold to a bunch of Dwarves - which actually was a strike of luck for the boy. Zaycor had a phoenix amulet as a memento of his mother and the Dwarves saw that as a sign, wanting to teach him the ways of their phoenix monastery.
When he was in his 30's, Zaycor was on a trading trip along with the Dwarven merchants in the overworld. Not that luckily during those times the gods were at each other's throats causing massive catastrophes all over the world, and the Dwarven caravan got struck by mysterious blue flames. Zaycor was the only one who survived the flames, and after spending a while wandering in the mostly destructed area he eventually found the manor of a human noble family, the Duhns. He begged the family for shelter and promised to pay back with work. The family agreed, thinking that it was exotic to have an (half-)elf in the house.

That was the new start for James in life. In order to avoid prejudice he claimed to be related to Moon Elves instead of Drows. And since the Duhn family had troubles spelling his name he got renamed as James (or Charles, for some members of the family.) James started his new life as a simple stable boy, getting better positions as years passed. Eventually the head of the family passed and the oldest son of the Duhns herited the title, the new head of the family made James -the oldest servant in the house - the new butler and his personal assistant.


TBA idk how to make that short.