
5 years, 11 months ago



Coby Stein








6’7” ft




Video Game Store Employee



Coby is a video game store employee who works at the local video game store. He’s currently dating his boyfriend Flint and lives in a shared apartment with him.


Coby is a playful and laidback guy with a hint of mischief sprinkled in his personality. He likes to pull small pranks on the people that he loves. He’s also a fan of parties and tends to be a bit of an extrovert.

He can be pretty narcisstic and cocky on the outside, prone to bragging about past achievements and just talking about himself in general. However, on the inside, he’s a bit insecure and only acts boastful to make himself feel better. Not many people know this side of him.

He likes attention and has a guilty pleasure of being spoiled. He likes being treated like he’s something precious to someone.


Like all Xynthii, Coby was born with two types of psychic powers: speaking through telepathy (since he doesn’t have a human mouth to talk through) and being able to levitate and float in the air at will.

He can’t really navigate and fly that high, he can only hover some inches above a surface, ground, or floor at most.


When he was five, Coby was taken in and raised by a single guardian, his aunt, since his parents were deceased, both having died from an accident while traveling in space on their anniversary.

They had accidentally gotten caught in the middle of an intergalactic war raging between different alien species while roaming the cosmos in their spaceship, away from the Rhyonia Galaxy, and were never heard from again after that.

While growing up, Coby’s aunt was always busy with work and trying to support her nephew. She juggled two jobs and often liked to get out of the house too since she was an active person. She worked as both a yoga instructor and a sky diving instructor.

Because of that, Coby craved getting attention at school and would often get in trouble, most times on purpose, for that attention. He was your typical class clown who would vandalize school property for fun.

He wasn’t very good at studying and would instead try to get noticed in other ways that involved detention. He was a teacher’s worst nightmare. It didn’t really matter to him if the attention was bad or good, so long as he was the talk of the school.

Throughout his school days, from elementary all the way to high school, he became huge enemies would another Xynthii boy named Flint Stone. Coby liked aggravating Flint since Flint was known to be that one ruggish bad boy who had a short fuse and temper. And if he messed with the infamous Flint, he’d usually be the center of attention, even if he knows that’s his combat skills aren’t the best and he can’t handle Flint that well sometimes when in a fight.

Basically, Coby and Flint would usually butt heads or get into scuffles. They were always seen in detention together too.

The one thing that brought Coby and Flint at peace was video games, since they both liked video games and had that in common. Talking about video games whenever they’d have nothing else to do in detention was what slowly brought them to a reluctant truce, which then turned into a love-hate relationship consisting of playful banter and quips.

And then eventually, Coby ended up falling for Flint. The first time he realized that his feelings for Flint were romantic, his mind automatically thought: I’m so fucked.

After that, Coby became very insecure about his feelings for Flint. Flint would never date me, was what he had constantly thought at the time. At least, not with their messy history.

So, as a result, he would try to shove his feelings away. Trash them. Neglect them. Suppress them. But none of it worked. In the end, he ended up trying to pick fights with Flint again in hopes that maybe their relationship would sour for the worst and he wouldn’t be harboring these feelings anymore.

It didn’t work and it only made Flint hate him again, or so he thought. However, eventually, they were able to make up and come clean. Flint had been noticing that something was wrong with Coby and had convinced him to be honest with him.

Coby told him everything and, much to his surprise, his feelings were reciprocated.

After that, they began a relationship that was kept low key throughout the rest of high school, then moved in together as soon as they graduated, and now Coby’s trying to move on and live a simple life with his boyfriend and his job.

Coby and Flint still share a love-hate relationship, but it’s more gentle and sweet and warm, less bitter and sharp and hateful like it was back in high school. There’s a lot more funny, lovey-dovey teases and honesty when it comes to communication in their relationship now, which Coby appreciates.


His next door neighbors are Mimi Merry and Bebe Bright.

The way that his parents died is one of the reasons for why he’s afraid of flying anywhere outside of the planet, and just flying in general.


54737183-E46-F-4-C9-C-9-BF2-B6-CB8182106 Flint Stone

beloved boyfriend

8067-B38-F-7356-409-F-9763-4691921-F1-BF Theodore d’Aboville

close friend he went to high school with

2-FFFC2-B3-C9-D0-40-A0-88-F7-8-F069-D34- Sandra Sandra

close friend he went to high school with

2993-AD2-B-B8-B5-433-D-8-E52-AAC07-D7-D4 Peach Momoko

close mutual

3738456?1578903628 Darwin Bode

co-worker and friend

N0tjBYM.jpg Haru Paz

Darwin’s chill boyfriend

BA51-FEBE-7-D8-B-4-CF8-A0-E6-253-A094-EB Mimi Merry

next door neighbor #1

5592-EF19-4-F32-4-B86-846-B-902-AFA4349- Bebe Bright

next door neighbor #2

C30-EDD8-C-DB2-B-45-B6-9464-B5-D6-C3-A84 Elroy East

former high school classmate that he used to see around the halls

D3-C7-B298-68-D6-44-D8-8-C10-775-BA3-E24 Rhett Wu

a regular customer at his store

I see life like a game. Sometimes you just gotta play it like how you want to.
