Kemmri Zocckz ♡



6 months, 25 days ago


 trolling: ZockzZteaLLer 


Me>?< ZteaLL>?< PLLeaze I think your juzt imagining thingz.. :=:3










 lunar sway 




 blood caste 


 screen name 

Guitarist/ Bartender



Y our name is KEMMRI ZOCCKZ. Today is not your day, while most days are challenging as a GUTTERBLOOD, this day seems to be particularly fucked. First, you've seemed to misplace your favorite pair of socks. Second, you almost got caught trying to re-aquire said socks. And to top it off your MATESPRITE is away on tour so you can't even complain to him. How fucking aweful.


  • Naps
  • Socks
  • Mind honey


  • Teals
  • Drones
  • Crowded spaces


  • Sewing
  • Stealing
  • Guitar playing

Alien Blues


Personality & Stats

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Kemmri, or just Kem, is a very disgruntled troll. When not with one of her quadrants or in the relative safety of his hive, it's easier to set him off then you'd think. Usually found with her headhusks and husktop, he tends to keep to himself especially in public spaces while listening to music or planning his latest heist. While he has an easily set off temper, he doesn't actually hate social interaction and if appeased with a gift or finds a person interesting will actively seek out interactions. Be warned though, he is known to bite when threatened.









Kemmri is an extremely talented guitarist, it's a secret second income. She also has a mild telepathic ability to converse with beasts though to what degree she doesn't even know.


Kemmri is quick to start yelling, he picks fights way too easily and it's gotten him in a lot of trouble before. His telepathic also halves as a weakness seeing how he really doesn't know how to control it.





  • Always wearing some pair of socks never shoes, can any color
  • Most clothes have some kind of patchwork
  • 4 white fangs the rest are yellow/gold
  • paints their nails frequently
  • also frequently wears black eyeshadow & eyeliner
5'8" / 1.76
Body Type
Horn Type
Hair Style
Bed head
Clothing Style
Fern - A.T.


tumblr_inline_nni1hxuTYD1r8s5z2_400.png GODTEIR - THIEF OF SPACE

The Thief of Space would start out with confidence in their abilities, but wouldn’t always be able to see what is in front of them until it hits them in the face. Maybe they’d do parkour a lot, or more likely screaming “Parkour!” before making a jump that’s too big and falling off.

Like all Thieves, they’d be powerful from the start, but probably too full of themselves and kind of a jerk sometimes. Underneath it all, though, they’d probably find themselves as feeling stagnant and insecure in who they are, leading them to take on a “reinvention of self” every so often.


Strife Specibus

Kemmri's trusty guitar. wheather strumming a tune, teleporting across the multiverse or bashing someone's head in this baby can do it all! A Juju that came into Kem's possession under more then mysterious circumstances, she uses it for just about anything including hitting a sick rift!


Fetch Modus

Clue, one of the best things humans ever invented in Kemmri's opinion. Using their space aspect abilities to guess the card combo needed to uncover the item they needed, it is very helpful to keep their inventory a secret especially from some more nosey individuals.


leaving the brooding caverns

Kemmri is a troll born on Alternia 8.3 sweeps before Joey Claire's visit. Him and his lusus settled in a more remote location, in a beehive-like hive that hung from a giant tree in a forest that also is host to a lot of beebeasts. Thankfully due to the more remote location Kem had a rather uneventful grubhood, growing up away from most other trolls.

It wasn't until they made their way out into the towns that they really interacted with any troll. But this led to another discovery, an affinity for socks that they felt compelled to have. Knowing that a bronze like them couldn't just buy any kind of socks they took to stealing, not rlly caring for who they were stealing from just the acquisition of socks. Though they're lusii didn't exactly approve their hive quickly was filled with the footwear, not a room without at least a pair.



When Kemmri was around 6 or 7 sweeps, Kem had a relatively bright idea of breaking into a purpleblood’s hive and surprisingly it was going very well for Kemmri! That was until he found himself on the floor of the purpleblood’s respiteblock with their land dolphin lusus on top of him, which the lusus seemed very amused by the circumstance as if he hadn't had this much fun since his charge was a grub as he oh so gleefully let Kemmri know. Speaking of charge, Kem wouldn’t notice the clown had returned home till a deep and mirth-filled laugh filled the room which is when Kemmri actually looked at who’s hive she broke into. Suffice it to say things went a lot better than Kem could have ever hoped breaking into the Marvus Xoloto’s hive which he was weirdly chill about, probably because of the fact Kem wasn’t some crazed fan, hell Kem wasn’t even a fan.

From that day forward for a reason unknown to Kemmri, Marvus decided to stick around, either bothering her at his barista job, somehow showing up to her hive, or swinging by between gigs to walk him home at the end of his shift. From the unlikely friendship spawned an even more unlikely matespritship, one that they try to hide from the general population behind bars, gigs and in the safety of their hives. Which neither minds, except when Marvus' lusus laughs at Kemmri for how they met which usually makes Marvus laugh too. Good thing she loves his laugh.


Crack the whip, shapeshift and trick the past again

Into her 7th sweep, after a bad gig where yet another high blood broke one of his guitars, KEM was feeling hopeless. Yah he was good at it but he couldn't afford to keep buying new instruments everytime a higher caste thinks it would be funny to wreck an instrument, not even the drummer had to deal with it this much! While crying all of that to his lusus (who just continued to purrbuzz as he always did) a calling was heard, one to this day Kemmri can't describe just what the calling was but she soon found out where it was coming from. Under one of her bigger piles of socks, out slid a guitar! He didn't remember where this came from, maybe a wrigglingday present from his lusus?? But when Kem picked it up, it was as if the universe itself sung with ultimate righteousness.. though that was until Kem played a few cords in which she was promptly sucked into the portal that appeared beneath her. Falling, screaming and clinging to that guitar for dear life he'd land rather harshly on the floor only cushioned by a mysterious set of boxes. As Kem recovered from the sudden fall, voices could be heard around them and looking up after his eyes adjusted to the new lighting he realized just what had happened. Though turns out he was completely wrong, he's not only not on the same planet but he had travelled dimensions or timelines as the alien (which he also learned was called a human) referred to it.

Thankfully Kemmri could get back thanks to their understanding of his instrument but an offer was extended by the band, see they were also in possession of these “juju” like instruments and with them they did their best to free worlds from the influence of a demon far too powerful for their taste. Seeing as Kem is now in possession of an instrument, they offered him the position of lead guitarist, which Kemmri ended up accepting.. this decision would both be her doom and her salvation, it would tear him apart from the one he holds dearest and yet bring them ever closer. Will Kemmri be able to carve a timeline and world where they too are safe from the dealings of the devil? Or will those claws be too sharp for even the descendent of the greatest Thief to escape from. But for now Leia and the Paradoxes was going on a multiversal tour, one that'll shake things up for better or for worse.


 Matesprit   He/Him 

The Victim of one of Kemmri's break ins turned into her biggest fan, Marvus and Kemmri have been matesprits for almost two sweeps and nothing seems to be able to take them out of the honeymoon phase. The little time they can spend together is some of the happiest times they have between Marvus' gigs, usually being found in his tour bus or one of their hives. Marvus tends to call Kem babez or treasure while Kem calls him baby or on the rare ocassion, honey.





 Lusus   cat + bee 

Beecats are unusual Lusii, According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way that a beecat should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its giant fat body off the ground. The beecat, of course, flies anyways. This is why they usually are attracted to the grubs of the stubborn bronze caste.



