Marisol Rigel



6 months, 19 days ago


Where the youth pined away with desire,

Name Marisol Rigel
Age 63
Alias Mari, Marisol Magindara
Gender Female
Sexuality Bisexual
Pronouns She / Her
Role N/A
Race Vampire

And the pale virgin shrouded in snow,
  • Inner fabric pattern is starry to keep with the family's star theme
  • In general, Mari's color scheme is darker than Eva's
  • Outside of the shown outfit, Mari tends to wear warmer clothes due to the climate of the town she now lives in.
  • Eva and Mari have the same kind of eye (white pupil) but Mari's original eye color is green

A human turned vampire whose personal hobby is to care for her garden despite the cold climate of the place her family calls home.

When she was a human, she used to be more softspoken. She was quiet and rather skittish, always scared to make a scene and ask for help, even when she desperately needed it. It was for that reason that after being nearly killed in a robbery gone wrong, Marisol resolved to become stronger. She failed her daughter by being weak, and failed her new husband the same way. That robbery gone wrong left her in a near death experience that required her to become a vampire in order to survive.

Soon after she became a vampire, she made a vow to herself to not let let worry again. She became more outspoken, as if her personality had switched overnight. Perhaps in her efforts, she has become a bit too headstrong... But anything is better than returning to the woman she once was. No longer would she allow herself to be trampled over like a weed.


solitary social
observant dense
logical emotional
organised messy
assertive turbulent

Arise from their graves, and aspire
Sunlight Resistance

While most vampires experience irritation under the sunlight, Marisol can stand it for quite some time before it really starts to bother her. This is mostly due to the power of the vampiric nurse who saved her life... Along with her own husband's powers keeping her safe, of course.

Despite this, Marisol still tends to wear hats when going around town during the daytime due to how bright the snow glare can get. Even if the sun does not irritate her as much, it still gets rather bothersome after some time. She much prefers to go out in the evening or night due to this.

Basic Magic

As Marisol was formerly a human and only recently turned, her magic is currently not very impressive. She still uses a medium to use magic and does her best to learn in an effort to better defend herself and for convenience. After all, magical tools are rather helpful to have around the house in general.

Technically speaking though, Mari's magical potential is ridiculously high for a human turned vampire... She just chooses not to use it much due to how complicated magic is to her.

Super Strength

Due to being a vampire now, Mari is rather strong. At first, she had the tendency to accidentally break things with her newfound strength, but she has thankfully gotten much better at controlling her strength. Nowadays, she can do her usual delicate tasks again such as tending to her garden in the back of the house.

That being said, when her emotions run high, she tends to lose control and her accidentally cracking either her husband or her daughters bones is not an uncommon thing to happen... Thankfully the two of them are both immortal so it is not much of an issue to them, but she is still really apologetic every time it happens.


Marisol Magindara was once a human. Before she married, she used to light up the room and was the star flower of her little rural village. Everything changed when she moved out to the city for a job though. She quickly found someone, and so caught up in their relationship, the two quickly married and had a child much to her parents worry. For the first few years though, it was not so bad. They lived in an apartment complex in a decently big city. It had a good school and good stores and places to work, but Marisol stayed at home for the most part, her husband insisting he would work for the two of them.

All she needed to do was worry about the child she was carrying, he said. So she did. She prepared as well as she could to be a mother, fretting only to be reassured by her husband to calm down. When her daughter was eventually born, life did not become easier for her, but still the two tried their best to raise Evangeline to the best of their abilities. They were not perfect by any means, with both of them making as many mistakes as one would expect first time parents to make, but they tried.

Though when her husband was fired from his job, their life started to change. He became quick to anger and frustrated as he struggled to find employment elsewhere. He stayed out at night to drink. When he found a nightjob, he spent the day drinking in their shared apartment, not caring that their daughter was there to see him fall apart. Her husband did not seem to care at all anymore, looking at their daughter resentfully blaming her for the extra workload, and later blaming Marisol for getting pregnant at all and "expecting him to do all the work."

Life at home became hell for Marisol and Eva. Her husband became a violent drunk, yelling at the two for the slightest of things. The only solace Marisol could take was when she was alone at night, and that Evangeline had school during the day when her husband was at home. She tried several times to get help, but every time was thwarted by her husband. By the time Eva grew older and became attached to her counselor who would often stay with her and keep her company after school, Marisol had given up on reaching out at all. She put on a mask of a tired but caring mother, trying her best not to alert the counselor that anything was amiss.

On Evangeline's sixteenth birthday, her life changed again. Fed up with the abuse of both her and her mother, Evangeline violently lashed out against her father in self defense. She grabbed a hammer and beat him dead. Terrified, Marisol locked herself in her room, worried that she would be next and refusing to listen when Evangeline said it was alright, that she solved the issue, that they could be a family now. She called her daughter a monster.

From the other side of the door, she could hear the window opening, slicing through the silence that followed after. Her daughter had ran away, and by the time the cops came to see the scene of the crime, it was too late. Evangeline was gone, and Marisol was taken in by Izar, the counselor Eva was the closest too. Perhaps it was better to say that he raised her better than her husband, or even herself.

Izar and Mari eventually fell in love with each other over the months of him taking care of her at his home. For the first time in a while, she felt safe in a home, and safe with someone at all. The two married, still missing Evangeline but ready to try to start anew. Later into their marriage, she ended up becoming a vampire in order to save her life, and while at first she was frightened at the change, she saw it as another step forward into her new life.

When Evangeline met Marisol again, they were both like completely different people. But maybe that was for the best. The two hugged and cried into each other's arms, saying how much they missed the other.


  • Mari is physically around 45 years old mentally due to being turned into a vampire around that time. Rather humorously though, her physical age is slightly younger due to this same vampirism making her slightly more youthful.
  • Marisol hates the cold and much prefers warmer climates. Thankfully their new hometown, a perpetually autumnal farm town, has a relatively tame climate... Occasionally it gets a bit too cold for her though and she tends to hole up under blankets during the colder months due to this.
  • Her favorite food is pork adobo with boiled eggs while her least favorite food is dinuguan. She is also rather fond of seafood.
  • Mari is slightly scared of Cosmo, Eva's pet slime.

Where my sunflower wishes to go!
Birthday April 27th
Height 166cm
Hobbies Cooking
Likes Flowers, beaches
Dislikes Snow, the cold, alcohol


Marisol's new husband who she loves dearly. When Eva was younger, he basically helped raised her, and after the incident, he helped her as well. Mari sees Astra as a wonderful man and loves him dearly. They are a perfect couple...

When Izar revealed to her that he was a foreign star from a different galaxy, Mari was... Surprisingly accepting of it. While she was definitely in denial at first, she grew to find that side of his deeply fascinating, adding it as another one of his charm points.


Mari's long lost daughter. After fourteen long years, the two were finally reunited when Izar found Eva in his old workshop. Marisol does her best to take care of Evangeline even now that she is all grown, spoiling her with all the affection, love, and gifts she ever could have wanted but was robbed of in her youth.

Eva is a mama's girl through and through, and she often helps her mother around the house. Mari is just happy to have her around once more, not wanting her to leave ever again.