Prisma [P134]



5 years, 11 months ago


Eternal Snow - Ferals

Name Prisma [P134]

Gender Nonbinary

Pronouns She/They

Sexuality Demisexual

Age 22

Race Human - mutant hybrid

Role Retired Assassin

Designer Wintert_ide

html Pinky

Lavender tea

A well hidden knife



Being stared at

Sudden loud noises


Personal space invaders

Runaway Careful Sheepish

Prisma was born into a world of chaos. In the north portals had opened up and began to let a permanent seeping cold spread across the land. A struggle had begun in the Feywild in which the previous queen of winter had been murdered and her son had swiftly taken her place. In Feywild tradition the Scepter of Seasons was to be passed back and forth to facilitate life in the planes of mortals. The new winter king kept the scepter for himself. A war was fought and the Summer and Spring fey were ousted from the Feywild. The King however was still nervous, the plane of mortals could rise up against him and he was weak to their iron. The King reached out to an ambitious young scientist with dreams of fey immortality and made a deal. Thus was the founding of the Corax laboratories. Prisma along with many other young children were snatched during the beginning of the cold apocalypse and tested on. A young girl, whose name Prisma was not aware of, was of a fey monstrous bloodline. The scientists hoped that the young girl's blood would serve as a bonding agent that would cause the body to accept the newly added mammalian parts. Part of the deal with the king was they were given the materials to make whatever they wanted in exchange for soldiers who had the strength of the fey but lacked their weakness to iron. This illegal human experimentation did not come without its instabilities. The human body is not meant to sustain the natural magic that was added into their blood. Thus when exposed to extreme amounts of stress the hybrid, known as a feral, will completely transform into a berserker type monster. The transformation is irreversible. The scientists tended to discard these “failed projects” into the wild causing havoc until they are eventually killed by someone or something. The scientists tried their best to not overstress their test subjects by making them form teams and close bonds with each other. This however eventually led to the downfall of the Laboratory when the Vestige Corps attacked and everyone that could run had. The lead scientist had planted some contingency chips in the back of the ferals necks, thankfully for Prisma hers had malfunctioned and did not explode. It did leave a nasty scar though.

Friendly Reserved
Sincere Deceptive
Bold Timid
Calm Irritable
Clever Foolish
  • Prisma’s mammalian pairing is a domestic house cat. Most ferals tended to be blended with domesticated animals. The scientists hoped that choosing animals that were docile would bode better for them in the longer run.
  • Most children who endure the feral program do not survive, it is a very intense and painful transformation. The Lab tended to go after children from larger towns in cities with no family so people would not notice they were missing.
  • Prisma did not really have the emotional constitution for what she was raised to do. She tended to hesitate during key moments and intentionally miss to allow her quarry to escape. This tended to get her punished when she would return unsuccessful. She is very much enjoying her retirement now.
  • There are two versions of her story, the main story in which she joined forces with the Vestige Corps to take down the Winter King and the AU where she ends up getting some much needed rest and relaxation with Sabaku Kesahana. I prefer the AU to my original story cause unfortunately Prisma does not get a very happy ending.
It feels nice to be able to think about the future I want...