

6 months, 11 days ago


ANTHRO | HE/HIM | 64475277_qKem2e5wIVbMXEA.png?1690209562

A earnest street dog who ends up crossing paths with a cynical red fox with the two becoming unlikely friends.

Sodapop serves as a direct opposition to Pumpkin, showing him that violence isn't always the answer to getting your desired outcome out of a situation.

Pumpkin later is forced to face the consequences of his actions that ends up inevitably putting Soda into harms way.
  • Pepsi.
  • Drumming.
  • Cannabis.
  • Baseball.
  • Riding his bike or going on walks.
  • Rainy, windy, or cold days.
  • Asking for help.
  • Alcohol.
  • Being Homeless.
  • Rude Individuals.
Some words for thought, Don't bite the hand that feeds you


  • Doesn't have a right arm.
  • Has a setum and (left) eyebrow piercing.
  • Has a scar under his eye on the left side of his face.
  • There is a decent sized tear at the back of his coat which allows his tail to comfortably go through.
  • All three sets of paw pads are the same color, his mouth is a similar color to his scars.


  • Sodapop is homeless, he moves from spot to spot to avoid putting himself in dangerous situations.
  • He was born without his right arm.
  • Soda doesn't have a job, he instead donates his time into doing favors (mini jobs) for local business owners. in return he gets free food, dry cleaning, showers at the gym etc.
  • After pumpkin learns about soda's living situation, he gets the idea to introduce soda to his friend skillet's band "we don't bite" soda auditions, getting in as thier drummer.
  • Soda gets around seasonville by bike.
NAME Johnny Fletcher
NICKNAME Sodapop "Soda"
SPECIES Bloodhound/Labrador Mix
AGE 26 Years
GENDER Cisgender Male
VOICE CLAIM Henry Burrell


Sodapop is a down to earth type of guy, he on the surface seems rather unbotherd by his circumstances and makes the best out of things. His laid back and relaxed energy makes him very easy to approach and talk to. While others find him infuriating due to his smug jokester side, that he uses to get under people's skin. He tends to talk his way out of dangerous situations over using violence, he almost never makes the first move but wont hesitate to fight back if needed.

Although on the surface Soda seems content with his life, in reality he stuggles with depression. He doesn't really care whether or not he wakes up the next morning, he feels that way up until his life is actually in danger. Soda actively hides his depression from others with a smile, only eventually opening up to Pumpkin about it. He hates feeling like a burden to others so instead bottles up and lot of his sadder emotions covering them with happier ones.



- Appropriate interactions with the characters listed in the "Relations" tab.

(Ship art with Pumpkin is highly encouraged!)

- Changing up his outfit (Preferably into something he'd look like he'd wear).

- Joke art.

- Drawing your own interpretation of his design, please keep him still recognizable to his orginal design.

- Altering his colors to fit your style.

- Gore.


- NSFW/Suggestive art (Jokes alluding to it are fine).

- Fetish art of any kind.

- Art with characters outside of Seasonville.

- Don't make vent art of him (Only I'm allowed to use my characters in that way).

- Genderbend.


If you make problematic art of him or any of my other characters (Including if you do so with any characters owned by my partner or friends) you will be immediately blocked and blacklisted.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla placerat, nisi sit amet fermentum sagittis, mauris augue molestie metus, vel hendrerit odio mauris vitae eros. Maecenas purus magna, sagittis et sapien ac, convallis rhoncus magna. Proin ultrices, nunc a laoreet maximus, nisi enim facilisis felis, ut tempor elit lectus nec ante.

Phasellus sed lectus sed leo consequat finibus vitae ac ipsum. Vestibulum a elementum mi. Aenean vitae nunc ante. Duis in dictum massa. Donec sollicitudin sodales sagittis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla placerat, nisi sit amet fermentum sagittis, mauris augue molestie metus, vel hendrerit odio mauris vitae eros. Maecenas purus magna, sagittis et sapien ac, convallis rhoncus magna. Proin ultrices, nunc a laoreet maximus, nisi enim facilisis felis, ut tempor elit lectus nec ante.

Phasellus sed lectus sed leo consequat finibus vitae ac ipsum. Vestibulum a elementum mi. Aenean vitae nunc ante. Duis in dictum massa. Donec sollicitudin sodales sagittis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

Pumpkin Boyfriend

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla placerat, nisi sit amet fermentum sagittis, mauris augue molestie metus, vel hendrerit odio mauris vitae eros. Maecenas purus magna, sagittis et sapien ac, convallis rhoncus magna.

Name Relation

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla placerat, nisi sit amet fermentum sagittis, mauris augue molestie metus, vel hendrerit odio mauris vitae eros. Maecenas purus magna, sagittis et sapien ac, convallis rhoncus magna.

code by ronnie