Sora [Subject 001]



6 months, 25 days ago

Basic Info


14 yrs


Jade's Hall


Power Index: "Battery-like" powers.  Can boost others' powers when she's around them by 20xs.

Family: None - grown in a lab

Background: Sora has very little recollection of her life outside of Jade's Hall.  She permanently lives at the facilities, having been brought there at a young age, so she doesn’t remember her parents or the outside.  She's confined to a solitary living quarters in Jade’s Halls’ sublevels and interacts only with limited personnel, including Tasha Jade, the telepathic psychiatrist, various doctors, and John Traxton.  Sora has a pair of robot guards to act as a first line of defense if her quarters are breached by someone trying to break her out (Jade's Hall is first and foremost a supervillain prison, secondly a rehabiliation center for superpowered people, and a research facility to figure out how their powers work and how to help those who need it control them).  They aren’t much company and are there to protect her, so she finds them to be boring.

What Sora doesn’t know is that she was artificially grown in a laboratory from an unknown DNA source.  While still in embryonic state, Sora was imbued with illegal blood samples from superhumans, and  constantly charged with low ranges of static electricity in certain  areas of the brain to “trigger” the powers.  She was implanted with false memories of her life "outside" of Jade's Hall as a precaution since the scientists felt her knowing she's an experiment would negatively mess with her psyche; also, her thinking that they're trying to help her instead of contain her indefinitely allows them to better control her.

She was an experiment of Bradley Jade, who dabbled in several unethical  things using Jade’s Hall’s clout and funds.  When Tasha took over and  found out, she axed those experiments, but Sora was too dangerous to be  released so she’s confined to the Hall.


  • Extremely curious to the point of being annoying.
  • Blunt
  • Prone to getting into mischief and doing whatever she can to escape her quarters to explore the rest of the facilities (it's rumored that it runs twenty stories deep underground, so she wants to figure out where exactly she's located and who else is there).
  • Attachment issues; will grow close to people she interacts with since she sees very few people and considers them friends to an extent.
  • Desperately wants friends her own age.
  • Knows about her powers and hates them because it makes her dangerous if "the bad guys" were to use her.
  • Doesn't like being told what to do and will do all that she can to rebel.
  • Will go barefoot wherever and whenever she can.

Goals:  Sora’s main goal is to get rid of her powers so she can be normal.