


7 months, 2 days ago


Son of Cadence and Shining Armor


Talent: Conflict Resolution

Skills: Physically strong(surprisingly), able to remain level-headed, being emotionally supportive

Weaknesses: Defensive or Offensive magic, emotional conflict concerning his own past, pain tolerance

Sweetheart looked up to his father ever since he was little, admiring his stories of his days as a royal guard. So, he decided to be a royal guard. It wasn’t really his passion, at least not for himself. He just wanted to make his dad proud, not realizing that his dad was already proud. He completed his training with excellent marks, though it was hard. Not for the physical aspect, but more so the hardened life of a soldier was wearing him thin. 

One day, an incident occurred. Sweetheart was attempting to apprehend a highly wanted criminal who happened to be a unicorn, with a well aimed blast, Sweetheart woke up days later in the hospital. 

Sweetheart was scarred and left with a weakened, wounded eye. Out of shame, he fled away from home and took up residence with his auntie Twilight. Sweetheart is too ashamed to go home, though he allows Twilight to tell his parents small updates and whatnot on Sweetheart. 

Eventually, Sweetheart becomes the town’s therapist who specializes in couples cases and helping patients after major injuries gain confidence back.