


5 years, 11 months ago


Lynch is a wanderer coming from some desert planet according to him. For a guy who talks so much about himself and what he did, little is known about him. Not even trivial things such as his age or his xenomorph caste. 

He's pretty docile and can be found in the middle of nowhere, in pubs, clubs, streets of cities and towns, bathrooms, your pantry, the list goes on, he just pops up. Upon encountering someone who gives the slightest hint of acknowledging his presence and makes the mistake of not immediately leaving, he will start a conversation or go into a monologue. It usually always ends up being a monologue because the choice of conversation topic is usually something only he's aware of. He's generally unpleasant, kinda spits when he speaks, and can't take a hint when to shut up.

His backpack probably has mostly ciggies and a few unidentifiable objects.

List of recorded things he said, almost all unverified:

  • his role in the hive he used to live in was "Rabonoger." Nobody so far knows what it means and when asked to explain he will be genuinely bewildered that he has to explain such a thing.
  • he was married three times.
  • he claims to have been on Earth.
  • he used to be sponsored by a spacecraft company. He cut the deal once he realized he can't abuse the "substance benefits" (?).
  • he used to have a watch with a time travelling program in it. He gambled it away in a bet.
  • he supposedly saw Nadia smile
  • he used to be a member of Rolos renegades. Doesn't specify why he's no longer a member.
  • he spent the bug war on a tropical part of some planet, surrounded by "Mazi'ch'pian babes." There is evidence that this race of aliens exists, however it's so far away that very little information can be found.

note: things written in blue are related to ChristoMan 's Tordhen setting.