
6 months, 27 days ago


Lv. 29
milotic.png #??? - Wurmpeon x Milotic Bug Water
HP 90 Speed 49
Attack 45 Defense 52
Sp. Atk 49 Sp. Def 69
Timid nature. Somewhat vain.
Ability: Marvel Scale Held Item: None
Sing Normal
Status - Power: -- - Accuracy: 55%
A soothing lullaby is sung in a beautiful voice that puts the target to sleep.
Bubble Beam Water
Special - Power: 65 - Accuracy: 100%
A spray of bubbles is forcefully ejected at the target. This may also lower the target’s Speed stat.
Aqua Ring Water
Status - Power: -- - Accuracy: --%
The user envelops itself in a veil made of water. It regains some HP every turn.
Dragon Tail Dragon
Physical - Power: 60 - Accuracy: 90%
The target is knocked away, and a different Pokémon is dragged out. In the wild, this ends a battle against a single Pokémon.

It's time for me to take the spotlight!

A resident of Havenner Town since he was hatched, Towel is a Pokemon rarely seen out and about. A lot of it has to do with the way he feels about his appearance- while he knows deep inside he is beautiful, and will always be beautiful, his outward appearance doesn't reflect him on the inside. It is something he is deeply self conscious about, and so he prefers to keep to himself inside his own home. While he won't turn away visitors, he prefers his own company first and foremost.

His biggest dream is to design wearables for other Pokemon in both Havenner Town and the Tides of the Moon settlement, and perhaps expand his business venture to all other parts of the Heartcatch region. He is using the time he spends out of the public eye to build up his portfolio and image, and also is desperately on the hunt for the Prism Scale, an item he knows will allow his beauty to shine through finally.

It took him a very long time, and by a very long time it took almost half a year of training and searching to finally find the Prism Scale at the bottom of a deep lake. He knew he'd make it, being a Water-type already and all, but the thought of hanging onto that Prism Scale and finally being able to be who he'd always dreamed was something that intimidated him a little bit. Possibly also because while he knew he would be able to evolve part of his beauty with it, the other part of him would be almost entirely up to chance, and he had to deal with what that chance gave him and hope it would be what he wanted. So, without anymore waiting, he took the plunge and swam down, down, down.

It was mere seconds away from him, but the current of the lake was sweeping him around and making it hard for him to maintain his balance, being so small and round. He begged his body to work with him as he tried to maneuver with the current to get to the Prism Scale. He begged and pleaded, his body beginning to shimmer with some sort of internal light, and when he finally managed to grip the scale in his mouth, he exploded in a bright flash of light. The Prism Scale melted away in the light, the particles dusting his body as he underwent evolution.

He felt his body lengthen and stretch out to his preferred form, but as he felt this, he also felt the addition of extra limbs just between his forelegs and his back legs. He realized in that moment what he was becoming, and he honestly could not be more excited to finally get to this point. The light began to fade as he made his way up to the surface and along the lakeshore, and when he finally breached the water and got to land, he inspected his new body. It appeared that in his desperation for more maneuverability- which could also translate in his clothing-making, he realized- some energy out there heard him and he transformed into a Wurmpeon. Which, truly, he was completely fine with! Especially glancing over his new Milotic tail and appearance, he finally saw himself in the reflection of the water. It was him-it was who he truly was and as this realization hit him, he began to cry. It was all worth it in the end, he was so happy.

He made his way home to celebrate his new form, take his current creations, and finally make his real life debut. Towel's newfound confidence as a Wurmpeon-Milotic was infectious, and soon his idol and designer status was recognized throughout both the town and the nearby forest settlement, becoming a top-rated fashion designer and even helping with the creation of the personalized Guild outfits.