Steve's Comments

Melissa, or Meli for short, is a happy-go-lucky, fun-loving dog/bunny hybrid who wants to dedicate themselves to being a spot of brightness in the world.  They're always quick with a kind word or a compliment, more than happy to help you move, and will probably paint your entire house in the meantime if you don't stop them from trying to help out. 

They love nature and often spend their afternoons on long walks in local parks and out on hiking trails, in the mountains outside of town. Their yard is a haven for pollinators, bursting at the seams with native plants and wild but well-tended gardens. If it wasn't obvious already, they love bees, and not only do they keep their own hive (and make their own honey!), but they also work with conservation groups to create more green spaces and homes for bees and other wildlife.  

While their ultimate dream is to work full-time in conservation, Meli's day job is working in a greenhouse, they always had a green thumb and their house is as overflowing with plans as their yard is!

They have a love for music, especially dance music and other upbeat genres, and have been guilty on more than one occasion of staying out til sunrise dancing at some party or other, handing out candy and bracelets like they're going out of style. In addition to their love of nature, the pupbun has always had a bit of creative streak and has a small shed on her property where they make clay pots and other ceramics. Meli writes and doodles as well, poetry and short stories and silly little drawings, though they hardly ever share them with anyone. It's not exactly that they think their writing is bad, but some things feel better just being for them, and that's okay too.  Their day-to-day life and all their hobbies keep them very busy, and those quiet moments, walking through the garden, writing out their thoughts, or dreams or ideas about time, or a short story about an unlucky leprechaun that they swear they're gonna turn into a children's book someday... it helps to keep them grounded, give them the energy they need to stay on top of everything else.

While no life is without its hardships and its bad days, Meli manages to keep a smile on their face even through the difficult days, knowing that the rain will always pass - and knowing that nothing will grow without it.

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