
6 months, 18 days ago


Name: Eris

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Place of Origin: Netherverse, Planet Yerek (Meero Orphanage)

D.O.B: July 6th

Astrological Sign: Cancer

Species: Adapted Nether

Height: 5’4”

Weight: 117 ibs 

Personality: Introverted, shy, timid, kind, thoughtful, amicable

Alignment: True Neutral 

Affiliation: N/A

Occupation: Nomad

Languages Spoken: Standard intergalactic

Favorite color: Purple

Fears: Death, insanity

Hobbies: Mostly uses her powers to keep herself entertained  

Distinguishing Features: Magenta hair, purple eyes/lips, incredibly light skin  

Official Backstory: Eris was born within the netherverse to a family connected by blood to the main ruler of the dimension, mister eye. As a result of this familial connection Eris was early when it came to manifesting an ability with great power. Her parents, sensing mister eye may want to use her one day to help in his quest to conquering other dimensions, sent her to Ratchet and Clank’s dimension for her own safety. Similarly to the Progs she too was sent to Planet Yerek and taken in by the orphanage that once thrived there. However unlike the progs she was never bullied as she stayed to herself in an almost constantly locked room. It was during this time that she discovered her ability to warp the space around her into things entirely new, at least as long as she kept her energy up. 

As she became more and more engulfed by the worlds she made for herself she was completely taken by surprise when the Zarkov sector called for an emergency evacuation. Forced onto an escape shuttle she begrudgingly left her safe space behind in order to reach a safer planet. Once the orphanage relocated to Planet Igliak Eris decided to leave to pursue her own life, so in the middle of the planet’s night cycle she packed what little items she had and slipped away into the streets. Ever since that night she has been wandering the galaxy as a nomad, finally able to live her life on her own terms.

Special items:  

- Standard holo-shield


- Plasma knife hidden in inner shirt pocket


- Reality Warping 


- Plays with hair

- Can never sit still 

- Tends to do everything quickly (eating, talking, etc.)

- No table manners whatsoever

Quotes: “I thought I was alone.”


- Mister Eye is aware of her existence and is trying to find a way to reach her

- Uses her powers on an almost constant basis. 

- Prefers the company of the people she creates in her warped reality than the company of real people

- Actually able to sing

RAC, Nethers, The Progs (c) Insomniac games

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