Ashe Kitoka



6 months, 19 days ago


Ashe Kitoka
Casey Lee Williams

01 — Profile

Name Ashe Kitoka
Nicknames None
Age 19
Gender Female ( she/her )
Height 5'10
Birthdate 2/3
Race Japanese
Orientation. Pansexual
Occupation Magical Girl

Status Alive
Designer Emerald_Chan1214
Story PMHM
  • Ashe has a very long and messy ponytail on the back of her head.

  • Ashe has some yellow streaks in her red hair.

  • Ashe's rollerskates can turn into regular running shoes.

  • Ashe has the highest speed out of everyone in the cast!

  • Ashe's Soul Gem is cracked.

  • Ashe always wears her gym uniform unless Cleo forces her to wear something else.

  • Profile Picture is by Emerald_Chan1214 !

02 — Personality

Ashe is always bustling with energy! She races any time she gets the chance and always keeps her body in check! She constantly wears her old high school gym uniform, despite graduating over a year ago. She hit her growth spurt at an early age, meaning she's rarely grown since then.

Ever since she was young, she always had a heart for racing. She'd always join her school's track team and win big awards for it. Hell, after meeting Kyubey, she wished to get rid of any opponent who stood in her way! She was always excellent at running her heart out...but bad at running her mouth.

One faithful day, she encountered Yami, who pissed Ashe off greatly. She knew stuff only Ashe knew: but how? Eventually, a fight breaks out and she flees, but with the price of her Soul Gem being cracked.

  • Running

  • Cleo

  • Steak

  • Rollerskating

  • Yami

  • Yami's minions (including Sanaka)

  • Witches

  • Kyubey (for not doing anything about Yami)

03 — Background



04 — Trivia

  • Ashe's agility beats even the fastest of witches.

  • Ashe can sometimes be seen carefully protecting her Soul Gem.

  • Ashe LOVES steak and American barbeque.

  • Ashe has always wanted to visit the U.S, but can't unless she deals with Yami.

05 — Relationships

Cleo Tamira
Best Friend

Ashe and Cleo have been helping each other out for a while now. They're very close with each other; so much even so that Ashe has felt some sort of spark in her heart.

But now isn't the time! She has to focus on her goal. Possible relationships later.



Die in a hole, motherfucker.