Princess Reefshark [Page WIP]



6 months, 17 days ago


Princess Reefshark

'Through darkness and through light, I smile. Through happy days and through dark nights, I smile. I smile knowing you will always love me.'


Reef, Shark, Pearl

Reason for Nickname(s);

Shortenings of name; pet name




AFAB demigirl






7 DY

Special Ability/Mutation;

Drifters, piebald.




An American Kestrel named Andalusite

Acceptance date;

March 14, 2022
How could I leave you? Your gaze, soft as a rose petal. Your scales, like polished diamonds. Your laugh, it sets luminous butterflies cascading through my chest. How could I tell you?


Reefshark is a complicated dragon. She is kind, upbeat and helpful, always going out of her way to assist anyone with anything they may need. They will go out of their comfort zone if someone needs them to. Though through her cheerful and grateful exterior, there lies a dragon who has been broken from grief and loss time and time again. Her mother and her sister, Inlet, had the two biggest impacts on her, though experiencing so many deaths in her family built up quickly. She is quickly attached to others and yet questions herself for doing so, always worried they'll slip out from under her talons and leave her alone in a veil of her own sadness. If she can distract herself from her inner feelings, she is a happy and outgoing dragon, though any reminders of her pain will make her happiness falter and fall away temporarily. She is a very emotional dragon, and prone to big impulsive decisions without notice.

Reefshark is a loving and caring dragon, never one to make someone feel left out or upset. She is always worried about others, and puts everyone else around her as top priority, and makes little time for herself. She feels most comfortable helping rather than being helped, and she always wants to make sure everyone else feels comfortable. She has a lack of self-esteem, but tries to pretend like she doesn't by bottling up her emotions. Sometimes she'll impulsively say something about how much she dislikes herself and then immediately try to change the subject, because she doesn't want her problems to become everyone else's problems. She doesn't think of venting or asking for help as weak, she just doesn't want to, for fear of making herself the victim and seeming like she's always complaining.


Helping, coral reefs and sealife, writing, reading, painting, sunny days, snow, her friends and family.


Rude dragons, insults, excessive heat, being alone, The Deep Palace, thinking about her family, not being able to help.


Being hated, the deep ocean [far away from society], being judged, thunderstorms, loud noises, dying alone, losing the dragons most important to her.


Ex-Queen Seaslug [Deceased]




Prince Seafoam, King Hurricane, Prince Pompano [Deceased], Prince Sunfish, [Deceased], Princess Frog [Deceased], Princess Orca [Deceased], Princess Inlet [Deceased], Prince(ss) Seaglass [Deceased]

Other Family;

Stonefish [Deceased], Nautilus [Deceased], MantaRay [Deceased], RibbonEel [Deceased], Siren [Deceased]
Note: Credit for all character icons goes to the amazing SoFizzticated on DA for these beautiful bases!


Hoarfrost is Reefshark's best friend, and crush. The feeling is mutual, though Hoarfrost may not be aware of their true feelings just yet. Reefshark plans to confess on Hoarfrost's seventh hatching day, but she's a little nervous since she's unsure if her love is one-sided.


SeaSlug is Reefshark's mother, of whom they shared a close bond. Being busy with queenly duties, Reefshark never got to spend as much time with SeaSlug as she would have liked, but now she just misses simpler times. Reefshark's mental health has declined considerably since her death.


Apart from Hoarfrost, Reefshark's other best friend is Seahorse. They often enjoy playing in the sand together and building little sand-castles. Reefshark hasn't been able to hang out with Seahorse as much since she left for the IceWing Kingdom.


Hurricane is Reefshark's brother, and she wishes she talks to him more. She enjoys her time with him, but she's never really taken too much time to have their relationship grow into something meaningful. She obviously cares for him a lot, she just doesn't spend as much time with him as she'd like.


Another one of Reefshark's brothers, her relationship with Seafoam is much the same as Hurricane. She envies him for his animus magic, but only a little. She understands its a big responsibility and that she probably wouldn't like having animus magic if she actually did.


Love Language; Words of affirmation/Acts of service.
Personality type; ENFP-T.

'I left for the IceWing Kingdom today. Not sure why, not sure where I'm going. I think this is wrong. I haven't even told Hurricane. No-one knows where I'm going but me. And I don't even think I know where I'm going. I just have to leave. Maybe if I fly far enough away I'll leave my problems behind, too. I haven't really talked to anyone yet but we'll see if that changes. I might have to stop at an inn in the MudWing Kingdom tonight. I wonder how this is going to go.' -Reefshark writing in her diary, about leaving.

Tarot Card; The Hermit.
Alignment; Lawful good.

'I swear, she's, like, the best dragon. I can't even comprehend how perfect she is. I have never felt this way about anyone ever and we've only known each other for a couple of days. It's absolutely obscene. She bought me a polar bear cape and took me to an ice cream shop and oh my moons her smile is so precious just thinking about it is making my heartbeat speed up. On a more serious note, I'm considering moving here. I've never had so much fun in my life and it's only been a few days. I can hardly fathom going back to the SeaWing Kingdom and sitting in the hot sun all alone. She's helped me distract myself from.. everything going on in the rest of my life, and I could honestly go back to the Deep Palace again if it was with her. Well, obviously only hypothetically since she can't breathe underwater, but, yeah. She's the best.' -Reefshark writing in her diary, about Hoarfrost.

Enneagram; The Peacemaker.
Mindset; Realist

'Hoarfrost helped me set up my new house today! I'm, um, still not sure about, like, permanently living here. But honestly I can't bring myself to go back there. Especially not when I think about having to tell it to her face. I don't think I could handle her reaction. Anyway, we made little paper dragons and hung them up, and that was a lot of fun! I've never done that before, I don't think, but Hoarfrost was masterful. Also she's gorgeous. I think that's besides the point. My house is looking super cute so far. I think next up I need to make a little writing station because laying on the floor when I want to write something about Hoarfrost is getting tiring. I mean, when I want to write anything, not just about Hoarfrost. I'm a little worried she's gonna find all of these. What is she going to think?' -Reefshark writing in her diary, about Hoarfrost.

Voice claim/description;



Covering face when embarrassed, talking loudly, apologising, sighing.


Drawing, reading, making coral necklaces, writing, writing poetry.


Saying 'oh moons' frequently, shifting wings when uncomfortable, looking at the floor when sad.


Helpful, talented swimmer, good at tending to sealife.


Poor fighter, sensitive feelings, bad at sewing.


An old American kestrel named Andalusite.

Theme Song(s);


Current Tribe;


Current Location;

IceWing Kingdom
'Viridescent against indigo, silver against aquamarine. When our eyes meet, I swear it's like we were made for each other. And I wouldn't have it any other way.'

Birth tribe;


Favourite Memory;

Playing in the sand with Inlet.

Major events;

  • Befriending her kestrel, Andalusite.
  • SeaSlug, Sunfish, Orca, and Inlet's passing.
  • Meeting Seahorse.
  • Meeting Hoarfrost in the IceWing Kingdom.


Reefshark was born into the SeaWing royal family, and as such was educated on her manners and etiquette from a young age. She picked up on most of this fairly swiftly, being a quick learner. One day when roaming the woods around the Summer Palace, she befriended a kestrel, whom she named Andalusite and would feed voles whenever she had the time. It has since grown old, but Reefshark is just happy it's somehow still alive. When she was three years and two months of age, her mother SeaSlug passed away, making a big impact on her mental health. After her came Sunfish, Orca, and then, quite recently, Inlet.
As years passed, Reefshark couldn't seem to allow herself to grow past her grief, and avoided the Deep Palace like the plague, as well as she could avoid her own home, anyway. She spent a lot of time on the beaches, or in the coral reefs, just trying not to think of her family. One of these days, she met a SeaWing dragonet called Seahorse, and they became friends quickly. Reefshark made a habit of coming up to the beach to play with Seahorse, as it felt like all of her worries vanished when she was with her.
But then, as she was in the throes of grief, she decided she was sick of the beach and of the ocean, and flew away. She didn't tell anyone, she just brought her diary, her inkwell and quill, and her bag including necessities- including a pathetically thin veil of cloth one might have considered a blanket. Then she picked a location- the Ice Kingdom. It was about as far as you could get from the Kingdom of the Sea, right? She hid in a cave for the night, and awoke, bone-chillingly cold, to the sight of bright dawn light pouring into her little crevasse. She couldn't quite move, and she certainly didn't want to stand in that freezing wind outside, so she stayed bundled up, shivering alone, hoping someone could find her.
And then someone did. An IceWing jumped triumphantly in front of the cave exit with a yell, flaring her wings. Long story short, they ended up becoming friends at a pace Reefshark had never experienced before. It was like they had just
clicked , and it made her so happy to be near her. It felt different to being with Seahorse. It felt like she would die for them and she had only met her recently. Well, at the time her mental health was down in the dumps enough that she would probably die for a lot of things.

Physical Appearance

Main Scale Colour; Pale blue and deep green
Underbelly Colour; Light blue
Marking Color(s); Blue purple, light blue, various shades of green
Horn Color; Deep blue
Eye Color; Dark green
Sail/Fin/Frill Color; Pale mint green
Bioluminescent Scale Color; Bright emerald green
Distinguishing Marks; SeaWing Royal wing patterns, piebald markings
Jewelry or Accessories; A few strands of pearls, some shiny horn rings, a polar bear cape, but all of these are interchangable, and she has more options as well.
Description; Reefshark is a pretty regal dragon from afar. She holds herself like she has power (when she's trying to be formal) and she is elegant. When relaxed, her form becomes a lot more bubbly and approachable. Her scales are shiny for a SeaWing, and the colours in her scales glitter and reveal new colours beneath when she stands in the sunlight. Her eyes are a shade of dark green that feels warm and inviting.