Jamie Collins



7 months, 3 days ago


Future Employee of the Month! ██/██/87
Employee File
NAME: Jamie Collins
GENDER: M — He/Him
D.O.B: Nov 27, 1965
Do you know we're still here?
HEIGHT: 5' 6"
EYES/HAIR: Hazel / Brown
PHONE NUMBER: (███) ████-████
HOME ADDRESS: ██ ██████ ████ █████, ██
EMERGENCY CONTACT: (███) ████-████
We watch you watch us.

Property of Fazbear Entertainment


Known to the local kids as "the arcade guy," Jamie works at Freddy’s from behind the prize counter and and around the arcade cabinets as a repairman. Want to exchange your tickets for some dinky plastic toys? Pac-Man broken again? Need to know how to beat Mr Sandman in Punch-Out? Jamie's your guy, as long as you've got enough quarters.

He doesn't care much for rules, doesn't help that he's bit of a smartass know-it-all as well. He's good at his job though, and very intelligent when it comes to his interests, but unfocused. Seems to know a little bit about everything. Easily bored, so he is constantly trying to keep busy somehow, usually by pestering others. Emotional intelligence is something he lacks, he covers himself up with deadpan humor.

Jamie stumbled into his job at Freddy's between college semesters. Though it's not his position, he's interested in the animatronics and how they work. Jamie often pesters his coworker and friend Remi about them. He's gotten to know most of the typical Freddy's customers, and actively competes for high scores even while on the job. Odd, though, Jamie hasn't seen a few of the kids who come in regularly for a while now…

  • Near-sighted. Jamie doesn't like wearing glasses, however, so he's almost always squinting. Tends to be a bit accident prone as well.
Coworker & Friend
"Remi’s cool. He’s got some rad stuff at his place and knows a lot about games and... life stuff. They've taught me a lot. I wish he'd let me get a closer look at the robots, though."
William Afton
"He's weird. He always acts like he's living in some stupid kid's show. Like, this isn't Disneyland, man. But honestly? Not the worst boss I've ever had.”
Vanessa Afton
"The boss' kid. Most of the time she's running around, laughing with all the other kids, but sometimes... well, I dunno what her deal is. And its not my job to babysit anyway.”