Miles's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

starbovnd Global Rules

Please refer to my design TOS for the full, unabridged version.

My TOS is very chill; Once I sell a design, it is out of my hands. Legally, the character is your property, and I only retain rights to the original artwork I made of the character; nothing more, nothing less. I've received my payment, and you've received you character- all is good!
I just ask for design credit when appropriate, and for buyers to honor my wishes with the art I make!

Main Bulk TL;DR (summary)-

  • All of my designs, whether you received it via trade, sale, or gift, will always retain its value after you receive it. If the character comes with extra art, feel free to price it as you deem fit.
  • Please DO NOT adopt a design to resell it at a high price markup immediately after. I cannot hold you to this rule, but if I see you doing this, I'll be hesitant to sell to you again in the future. (I.E. Buying a $25 adopt, not adding any art/value, and selling it at a high markup like $150.)
  • You may not revoke or forcefully steal my designs from others. If you trade/sell/rehome it, it is out of your hands.
  • You're free to make design edits and change minor details. (For example, colour hue changes, slight marking edits, etc.) Adding things like horns, wings, more limbs- any edits are 100% cool! I just ask I retain the original designer / creator credit on the characters profile!
  • If you wish to change the species of a design (I.E. changing a dog to a cat, or changing a character to/from an original species.) please feel free to do so. You don't need to ask me beforehand!