Canary Apus



10 months, 1 day ago


canary apus

The caged bird flies free
They are a variation of avian that's similar to the bird species he gets his name from. He often travels selling potions and ingrediants to people, even adding freebies for those who need them. They no longer have a steady home to return too so is always on the move. He is very ambiverted and can be quite dramatic, often doing extravangent gifts for those he loves. Despite this they can be quite cautious and will doubt themself often. He is also quite distrustful and won't speak to new people unless it's for a sale or a friend of a friend.
Small Places
Forced to perform
The Village Orphanage
Growing up they lived in a small homely village. Mostly filled with avians like themself but there was a small human family. In this village he stayed in the orphanage there as he lost his parents early on. Growing up in this orphanage caused them to be familiar with the others there and so when they were older (around 16-17) they started putting on dramatic shows for the children of the orphanage.

The Shows
Around the age of 17 they were met with a job opportunity surrounding his singing. He would put on shows for anyone who came to see at the cost of being able to control what he sang about. His boss was demanding and often controlled what they wore, what the sang, and what they did during these performances going as far as dying his wings to match other avians. As time passed they slowly started to disdain singing and the lack of control he had. Despite this he had no choice, most people they spoke to only saw them as dramatic and a liar.

The Attack
Unfortunately one side effect of people's distrust was when they spotted a large hoard of zombies heading for the village. They tried to warn their boss and the people in the orphanage but most assumed it was another dramatic tale, and his boss assumed it was an excuse to get out of shows. Canary knew that staying would end in their death, and so used this chance to fake his death by plucking out some of his feathers and ripping his clothes. They left the feathers and clothes in an obvious place so someone would find it and then he changed his outfit and fled to the nether. No other avian would likely head there.

The Nether
In the nether Canary didn't wander much as his lungs were more sensitive and the heat was messing with his mobility. Although they did learn how to make potions that would help them survive longer. He started to lose track of time and become more exhausted with each day, and having no one would speak to wasn't helping either as their voice was becoming hoarse and weaker with time. He almost died there if someone hadn't helped him leave.


Their secondary and primary feathers are fake

They are covered in potion stains

Their crutch has moss on it

The crutch is made from wood

As a result of staying in the nether too long his legs became weak and so need the support of a crutch. He also dresses very femininely as a disguise and a way to have more control over their appearance.

They breifly knew each other as children but didn't talk much due to Kiniko's family. They met again when Kiniko saved Canary from the nether and provided a safe group to stay with. Even after leaving he is thankful that Kiniko helped him out.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Canary's Boss was always aware of the zombies and intended to use the performances to get everyone in one place.

They still occasionally sing to themself or to close friends or partners but he can't for long.

He can mimic the sounds of an actual canary

code by robonene