Clive Ehrlich



5 years, 11 months ago


Clive Ehrlich (Kuraivu Erihhi? クライヴ エーリッチ) is a member of the Military Police and the warden (Kantoku-sha, 監督者) of the prison in the center of Wall Rose's Trost District. 

Table of Contents

  • Personal Information 
  • Personality 
  • Favourites
  • Appearance 
  • Health
  • Statistics
  • Abilities 
  • Relationships 
  • Quotes
  • History/Life
  • Extra

Personal Information

Current Title: Clive Ehrlich

Former Title: Warden Clive Ehrlich 

Name Meaning:

  • Clive: English masculine given name, means "lives at the cliffs".
  • Ehrlich: German/Yiddish surname meaning "honest" or "honourable". 

Nicknames: Blank Slate (Leonardo Ancel), Clover (Eric Sullivan)

Alias: N/A

Age: Approximately 29 (850), Approximately 33 (854)

Gender: Cisgender Male

Species: Human

Birthdate: December 12th, 821

Birthplace: Sichel, Trost District, Wall Rose

  • Sichel: A poor region within Wall Rose's southernmost district, Sichel (シチェル, Sicheru) is the home town of the Ehrlich Family. A region plagued by poverty and famine even before the fall of Wall Maria - Sichel was an area with little natural resources - but had soil suitable for growing iron bamboo, the material used to craft the replaceable straight blades used by the three branches of military.  Sichel is on par with the Underground District for its poor sanitation and limited accessibility to a wide array of resources. When Wall Rose was breached and the Trost District was raided by titans - the groves of iron bamboo were destroyed, and iron bamboo has not grown in Sichel since. To live in Sichel past the age of five was considered a miracle. The word Sichel translates roughly to "sickle" from German. Many inhabitants of Sichel grow up to be thieves, or commit white-collar crimes in order to maintain enough money to survive another day. 

Current Residence: Ehrmich District, Wall Rose, Paradis Island

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual, possibly bi-curious 

Relationship Status: Unknown

Origin: (ancestrally) Eldia

Nationality: Eldian, Subject of Ymir

Languages spoken: Eldian Language

Life-Long Dream: Unknown

Goals: To keep his father safe/out of jail, to keep the Trost Prison running and in working order. 


  • Confusing other people
  • Philosophy/Rhetoric,
  • Sex and one-night stands
  • Hand-to-hand combat
  • Abusing his power

Dislikes: Mathematics and science, art

Bad Habits: 

  • Displaying no facial expression
  • Womanizing
  • Getting incredibly touchy with people.
  • Being sloppy with his work

Hobbies: Flipping coins/pens/etc.

Fears: Gamophobia (fear of commitment)


Many who know little about Clive dub his as a very quiet and introverted man who is a lethargic enigma of a character. Due to his rarely changing flat expression, accompanied by eyes that give no hint to clear emotion of any kind, many struggle with trying to read Clive and understand just what goes on inside of his head. He is a man of little words - regardless of how well someone gets to know him. The fact that he is so reserved makes him quite mysterious and suspicious to many, especially those that know that he is from the Sichel region of Trost. Clive is assumed to be very apathetic and solemn - with a great detest of the structure of society and authority, and rejecting the social norms of healthy interactions with others, which turns out to be quite ironic, considering he goes on to join the Military Police and becoming a prison warden.

Despite his detest of authority, he respects a single superior at first, which is his father. Clive was indoctrinated at a young age to believe that certain things were acceptable, while others were not - perhaps the opposite way of others. He resents being given orders and is about as stubborn as a mule when it comes to being asked to perform tasks in a forceful way - but he is very sardonic when it comes to confronting his authority. Clive only grows vocal when he is uncomfortable or resents doing something. Despite a lack of education, Clive is a fan of philosophy,  rhetoric and language,  - often uses crafty yet logical insults for the means of confusing and frustrating figures of authority, as to fluster them. 

What few people seem to know due to Clive's shut-in behaviour is that he is incredibly sadistic and sexual. He seems to find amusement in watching others suffering and dying - as shown when he takes charge in watching executions be done on the Trost Prison grounds. He seems to enjoy watching people get punished, hinting at a very twisted side of his mentality. He did not take pleasure in watching executions at first, but in time he came to the act an 'art' in its own right, a display of mercy and sympathy from the oppressive government. Even less people know that Clive feels a strong connection to his comrades, regardless of who they be. He would not hesitate to ensure their safety over his own. For this reason, he has been told he should be in the Survey Corps -  as he would be seen as a hero. Fame and attention are the last things Clive wants and he prefers to live a lax life, relatively undisturbed.

Key Positive Traits: focused, loyal,

Neutral Traits: Somewhat reserved, somewhat dependent, somewhat sociable

Key Negative Traits: sadistic, aloof 


Foods: Wursts, Potato Soup

Colours: Unknown

Season: Spring

Activities: Executions 

Time of Day: Dusk


Clive is a male of average height with a rather impressive, lean-muscled build. His hair is a mix of platinum and ash blond - and his hair is parted on the left side with his bangs sweeping right and reaches his jaw. His eyes are a diluted shade of brown in colour - surrounded by sizable bags, likely caused by a lack of proper sleep - adding to his lethargic and slightly bothered visage. His brows are quite thin and are the same shade as his hair. He has a boxy face, possessing a slightly pointed chin and elongated cheekbones. Though rarely seen - Clive has a single dimple in his right cheek, which becomes visible when he smiles or smirks. According to Leon, Clive has very "bird-like" features, due to his tapered nose and dark eyes.

Clive is credited for having quite poor posture - and stands slightly bent, with a hunch to his shoulders and his hands in his belt loops, only standing at his full height when he needs to be intimidating. His facial expression rarely shifts from an unreadable frown and he speaks quite slowly to the point of slurring his words on occasion.

He is seen most commonly wearing the standard uniform of the Military Police, the brown crop-jacket along with a waist wrap, knee-high boots and Omni-Directional Maneuvering Gear straps. Beneath his jacket, he wears a plain, dark brown dress shirt with the buttons undone. He appears a little disheveled at times, with his shirt constantly un-tucked, which he was given a hard time for by Trainee Instructor Reginald.

For the time he is seen in the Uprising Arc, Clive has two round gauze pads taped down over his eyes but otherwise experiences no drastic change in appearance.

Following the four year timeskip into the Marley Arc, however, Clive's appearance does change dramatically. Homeless and out of work due to his blindness and lack of money, Clive has difficulty finding a place in Wall Rose following his 10+ years of service. He wears dark, baggy clothing and eventually obtains a cane, which he uses for navigation. Clive's eyes, formerly dark brown are now milky white from fully developed cataracts. 

Height: 5"9 ft (176 cm)

Weight: 172 lbs (78 kg)

Hair Color: Ashy-Platinum Blond

Eye Color: Dull Brown

Skin Tone: Pale, Ivory 

Body Shape/Build: Mesomorph with a muscular build. 

Birth Marks: N/A

Scars: N/A

Other: N/A


Memory: Average

Sight: Very poor.

  • During the Clash of Titan's Arc, when Bertholdt and Reiner's identities as the Colossal and Armoured Titan are revealed upon transforming, Clive and various other MPs in the Wall Rose area are sent as reinforcements without a moment to lose. Upon suiting up, Clive joins with a squadron of Scouts who are circling the Colossal Titan, attempting to find out how to penetrate his body. When Bertholdt eventually releases a large amount of steam, Clive, severely close to Bertholdt's body, gets some nasty damage done to his eyes and face. The lenses of his eyes become clouded, reducing his vision substantially. 

Mental Issues: N/A

  • Although thought to be a madman from the Marley Arc onwards, Clive does not have any psychological issues. 

Physical Issues: Trauma-Induced Cataracts

Sleep Patterns: 7 hours per night, deep sleep. 

Allergies/Other: N/A


3D Maneuvering Gear: 4/10

  • Clive has never been too great at using the 3D Maneuvering Gear. He struggles with using the various switches and handles on the blade sheathes, often mixing up the buttons and doing the exact opposite of what he intended to do - which frustrated him to no end. He feels as though he has far less control when he's in the air and disliked the classes dedicated to learning how to utilize the gear correctly - and often got nauseous when landing. Even though he struggled with the gear, he began to improve but was likely one of the worst gear-users of his training squadron. 

Intelligence: 5/10

  • When it comes to the material taught in class - Clive cannot easily absorb this information as a result of a lack of caring and paying the price by failing to completely understand subjects. Clive is smart in other ways and is intuitively very sharp. His instincts are quite good - and he has a good understanding of how people work. He also seems to like philosophy and rhetoric - often questioning his superiors or those who question him with questions they cannot answer.  

Martial Arts: 9.5/10

  • Clive's most apparent skill is his ability to use martial arts. While never formally taught how to fight - Clive developed a fighting technique very similar to boxing, self-teaching himself from what he saw in the bar and street fights around Trost. He was the Annie Leonhart of his squadron - outstandingly good with his fists, able to pack devastating punches while remaining light and nimble on his feet. 

Policing Skills: 8.5/10

  • Due to being raised in pressing conditions - Clive learned eventually how to become a 'good cop', 'bad cop' sort of figure in the Trost Prison. Many of the inmates are convinced that Clive has a few screws loose, as a result of the erratic behaviour he displays during interrogations - and he is an expert when it comes to getting answers out from stubborn lips. Being a former 'criminal', in a sense, Clive knows how the minds of offenders work, hence making them easier to understand. 

Battle Skill: 4/10

  • As Clive has never seen really titans up close, nor engaged in combat with them, due to living a peaceful lifestyle in Wall Sina and the Trost Prison - it makes sense that when faced with a titan slaying scenario, he would be at a loss of what to do. Because of the different tactics used by the Military Police Brigade and the Scouting Legion, he cannot instantly pick up on what is supposed to be done, hence making his ability to fight well and skillfully on the field quite poor. His limited experience fighting titans and using 3D Maneuvering Gear is ultimately what ruin his career when he loses a majority of his eyesight due to Bertholdt's steam attacks.  

Agility: 8/10

  • As a result of his past in Sichel, Clive developed the agility and nimbleness of a thief. His thin frame makes it easy for him to move with competence at impressive speeds. While this learned skill hardly helps him in the field of using 3D Maneuvering Gear, it aids him in his martial arts. Quick on his feet, he can not only deliver attacks with a great deal of speed - but can process and dodge attacks quite skillfully as well.  

Strategy: 3/10

  • Clive tends to act without thought. He rarely puts care and time into his intentions as a result of being raised in such a way that valued speed, agility, and guts rather than strategy, he does not value it or use it. Even upon becoming a Warden, Clive does not put considerable thought into his actions - and his poorness in strategy links to his deficiency in battle skills. Clive also discloses that strategy doesn't play into his proficiency in martial arts and he simply aims for wherever he can hit when fighting hand-to-hand. 

Teamwork: 5/10

  • Thanks to his poor ability to express himself in more ways than one - most individuals find it very hard to co-operate with Clive. The challenge is mutual, as Clive prefers to keep to himself and lacks the ability to properly communicate with those unfortunate enough to work for him. He does not have fun working in a group, finding it 'a stressful and messy way of completing tasks'. Thankfully, he tends to listen to the orders given to him by others and complies with these diligently, he just does not enjoy it nor do the people around him. He struggles with being involved in groups - and has a bad habit of wanting to do things on his own. Clive, however, later on, discovers he likes to be a leader, and his hatred for group work becomes less of an obstacle. 

Military Information

Affiliation: Military Police

Rank: Prison Warden

  • Trost Prison: The Trost Prison (トロスト区 拘置所,Torosuto-ku Kōchisho) is a jail in Wall Rose's Trost District. The building is located in a rural area of the Trost District, on the edge of the northernmost cities and the prison keeps its prisoners locked up in cells below the ground. The capacity of inmates is 120-125 and houses individuals serving their time spent for less severe crimes - like theft, fraud, etc. Executions do take place in the Trost Prison, via firing squads.
  • Notable Inhabitants: Warden Clive Ehrlich (warden and determinant), unnamed firing squad (executioners), Mr. Ehrlich (inmate)

Former Affiliation: 91st Trainees Squadron (Year 833), Western Division 

  • Instructor: Reginald Sandweiss (deceased)
    • A retired Garrison Captain, Reginald Sandweiss was one of many well known stationary guards back in his day. He assumes leadership of the Western Division of the 91st Trainees Squad following his retirement between the ages of 55-60. Like instructors preceding and succeeding him, Reginald was a stern and frightening man with no patience for slackers or those unwilling to put forth their best efforts. Though he treated a majority of his cadets like dirt, he did care about them. 
  • Instructor's Notes: "Clive Ehrlich. His grades in the classes are subpar - but when it comes to hand-to-hand combat, he is fine-tuned and focused. He goes against authority frequently and is not overly integrated with his peers."

Grad. Rank: 6th (it was a small squadron)

Status: Unknown

  •  Clive's fate is to be decided, come the end of the manga. 


Parents: Mr. Ehrlich (father, alive), unnamed (mother, deceased)

  • Mr. Ehrlich: The biological father of Clive Ehrlich and partner to an unnamed woman. Mr. Ehrlich took the liberty to indoctrinate his son following the passing of his mother - believing that what he taught Clive to believe would ensure both his and his son's survival in Sichel, which was a life based off of thieving and illegal activity. He taught Clive that stealing was moral and that the Garrison and the Military Police Brigade were the ones to be weary of, forcing Clive into this backward belief that he should avoid, challenge and disobey authority, for they weren't truly protecting the citizens of the Walls. He was desperate to raise Clive to be a thief so that he could provide for the two, as there would be a slimmer chance of the child being caught and receiving punishment for thievery - while under the cover of working various jobs in southern Trost. It was not uncommon for Mr. Ehrlich to "love-bomb" his son, as to keep him conditioned and obedient to his requests. Despite what he told Clive, Mr. Ehrlich loved and cared for his son and was not simply using him as a tool to gain money. He believed he was doing what was right, without realizing he was filling a child with such contrary beliefs. Clive carries on his father's beliefs for quite some time which gets him into trouble during his military career, until being shaken from his reversed moral code by Reginald Sandweiss. It's a popular rumor that Clive had his father sentenced to death after Mr. Ehrlich was imprisoned for crimes committed in Sichel. 
  • Unnamed Mother: Clive's biological mother. Born in Sichel to a family of beggars, she knew nothing but the dirty streets of Trost and no day would pass without a struggle. She gave birth to Clive during a particularly harsh winter. Rarely did mothers and their children survive a childbirth in the poor region - leaving Clive to be no different from many other children in Sichel. Mr. Ehrlich would abuse the fact that Clive never knew his mother, often telling Clive false facts about her, in order to further condition his naive mind by causing him to feel everything but a heightened sense of loss to anger and regret. It is likely that Clive is the illegitimate son of Mr. Ehrlich, since it is unlikely that he was married to Clive's mother.
  • Grandpa Ehrlich: Clive's paternal grandfather. Clive never met the man, but is raised to think highly of him as a result of what he was told by his father. 

Siblings: N/A

Other Relatives: N/A

Love Interests: Several Unknown Prostitutes

  • Clive's love interests are unknown but presumably exist. Clive admits to frequenting at brothels and has had various flings with many prostitutes. A commonality all these lovers share is being female and from the Trost Region - but otherwise, there is little to know about them. 

Friends: Sergeant Leonardo Ancel (Trainee friend, deceased), Antonio Vega (Trainee friend, deceased)

  • Sergeant Leonardo AncelLeon and Clive met while they were still cadets. Leon was quick to take a dislike to Clive - finding the latter's quiet and stony behaviour unappealing and difficult to comprehend. Leon often referred to Clive as a "blank face", which slowly wound up becoming Clive's nickname in the passing months. However, a mutual dislike for each other eventually became friends as they began to develop respect for each other as soldiers and individuals. The friendship began the two began to strain as Clive began to realize that Leon was growing egocentralistic and letting his newfound power as the Scouting Legion's Sergeant get to his head, but he never stopped caring for Leon as a person. He mourned over Leon's eventual death in Elsner and believes he died far too young after everything he did. 

Acquaintances: XXth MP Commander (status unknown), Commander Nile Dok (favourite Commander, alive), Boris Feulner (104th Graduate, alive)

  • Xth MP Commander: Prior to Nile assuming the role of the Military Police Brigade's Commander, Clive took his orders from Nile's predecessor. Little is known about Clive's relationship with Nile's predecessor, but he claims to favour Nile over the unnamed Commander. 
  • Commander Nile Dok: Nile assumed control of the Military Police Brigade when Clive was a mere officer, patrolling the streets of Wall Sina. When he started to bore of the typical job - he was audacious enough to request of Nile that he receive a "better position". While baffled and reluctant at first, Nile eventually permitted that Clive could take up a job in the Trost District's prison as the Warden - due to the current man holding the position being on the verge of death due to his old age. Nile deems Clive a bit odd and finds him equally confusing as most, thanks to the latter's still face and unreadable tone. 

Enemies: N/A

Hero: Reginald Sandweiss

Rivals: Sergeant Leonardo Ancel (formerly)

Other: Reginald Sandweiss (Trainee Instructor, deceased), Anti-Personnel Control Squad (negative views, disbanded squad), Elite Patrolling and Navigating Squad (favourable views, disbanded squad)

  • Reginald Sandweiss: The Instructor of the 90th Trainees Squad's Western Division, Clive was taught under Reginald's watchful eye along the other young cadets. Shortly after seeing Clive for the first time, Reginald was quick to take note of Clive's sloppiness, along with a lack of attention to detail in the daily classes. Due to what his father had taught him, Clive resented Reginald in the beginning - often speaking back against him in very crafty ways, responding to orders with rhetorical questions. It took quite long for him to finally begin to listen - and once he did, he got less on Reginald's nerves. Despite his subpar grades, what impressed Reginald was Clive's incredible hand-to-hand combat abilities and his overall strength when it came down to fighting.  Clive says if it had not been for Reginald, he would have remained brainwashed and convinced that what his father taught him what right. 
  • Anti-Personnel Control Squad: The Military Police squadron governed and lead by Kenny "The Ripper" Ackerman is one Clive resented following his epiphany that authority keeps things in charge. Be believes Kenny severely abused his power to create the squadron and says he never supported it since it's creation. 
  • Elite Patrolling and Navigating Squad: A Scouting Legion squadron lead by Leon "The Compass" Ancel, Clive has always thought quite highly of Leon and his squadron. He congratulates Leon on one occasion for taking up the role as a squad leader and Sergeant quite flawlessly in such a short span of time. He says its nice that Leon has a squadron primarily composed of female soldiers and says that the latter successfully created a squad of elites from dust - though its likely his claims were sarcastic. 



Clive was born on December 12th, 821 in one of the Trost District's poorest regions, Sichel, to Mr. and an unnamed woman. Clive's mother died not long after the birth of her son - as she would not be able to survive the harsh bitterness of the winter and already sickly - the chances of her survival after giving birth in a grungy shack in Sichel were already staggeringly low. This would leave the newborn in the hands of Mr. Ehrlich to raise on his own. It would cost more money to have the child be put up for adoption or sent to a foster family - and he knew the boy would be of use later on in life once he came of age.

Clive would be raised in Sichel by Mr. Ehrlich. Having little experience with children, raising Clive on his own and without Clive's mother would be a difficult task. With little money to buy a house, the Ehrlich's lived in a cramped apartment, which housed two other families of four. In order to feed Clive, the baby boy would often be breastfed by a pregnant woman in a nearby brothel - that being until her baby was born a few months later, and Clive made an early transition to eating mushed up solids, which Mr. Ehrlich could get on his own. Eating mushy potatoes was one of Clive's most common meals growing up, and he had the appetite of a dog, eating whatever he could, when he could. His appetite and his desire to live on, Clive gained the bulk he needed to survive his first winter in Sichel - a milestone within itself. 

As Clive began to grow up, Mr. Ehrlich began with his mission to raise his son in a way that would ensure his survival in Sichel. A majority of Sichel's population grew up to become thieves and criminals, who poured into central Trost - because being raised to do such things came as a result of growing up impoverished. Mr. Ehrlich's father had been a thief - and had taught his son the tricks of the trade. Mr. Ehrlich intended to carry it on, and teach Clive how to be a thief. From a young age, Mr. Ehrlich filled the small boy's head with ideas about disrespecting authority - and the Military Police and Garrison officers did not deserve the respect they received from the average people, setting the foundation for twisting Clive's thought processes and getting him to turn to a life of crime.

When Clive eventually became old enough to understand the concepts of money and death, Mr. Ehrlich would incorporate his mother in his propaganda - in order to fill the young boy with a spirit of hatred and revenge. He told Clive that it was because of the highest up in society was the reason why not only they suffered, sleeping in ratty barracks, but was also the reason why his mother had died. This fueled an energy within Clive, which was the last fragment needed to drive the boy to thievery. 

Clive would go on to commit his first crime in central Trost at the age of 7 in 828, when Mr. Ehrlich had found Clive his first job. Clive would spend a majority of his youth working in a tavern as a janitor of sorts, scrubbing and mopping the floors of the tavern. Even though he could barely see over the edges of tables, he did his best to clean those too. It was while he did this, Clive would pickpocket from guests and the establishment, stealing coins from the pockets of drunken tavern-goers and even from the register when he was able to. However, it was never the money he got caught for. 

As a small, weasley boy - Clive was not well liked in the bar he worked at. Seen as a snarky and quiet little boy who didn't seem to know a great deal about how to interact with people - he was not treated well by the guests and the staff. Clive would ofen witness bar fights as well, and came to learn from what he saw. He learned where the weakest part of the bodies were from mere observation - and was quick to pick up martial arts. 

A hungry and growing boy, Clive was often starving when he was working his strange hours at the tavern and he tended to get caught for stealing food - but never for stealing money. While he was punished for stealing by having money from his pay at the end of the week removed, Clive rarely went home empty-handed, because of all of the money he earned through pickpocketing. He was always on guard when he was in Trost, alarmed by the amount of Garrison and Military Police officers, constantly present - often growing frightened in their presence or snarling at them before darting off to return to Sichel. When Clive didn't arrive home with all of his paychecks, there were often consequences - which included not getting meals. 

Clive kept on his work until he was roughly 11, nearing 12 - which was roughly when he learned about the 91st Trainees Squadron when seeing the Garrison promoting the latest trainees squadron, lead by a Garrison legend, Reginald Sandweiss. Curious, Clive looked deeper into the military, realizing that meals would be provided for the three years he would spend in the Trainees when the owner of the tavern jokingly suggested that Clive join because of the meal plan.

Taking this quite seriously, Clive was actually quite keen on joining the 91st Trainees Squadron. Leaving behind his last payment and keeping a little extra in his pocket, Clive left Sichel for good in order to sign up for the Squadron. 

Trainee Years (Year 834-837)

It was in the late sprint of Year 836 when Clive was accepted into the 91st Trainees Squadron's western division, lead by Reginald Sandweiss, who he had heard about from the stationary guards. A small squadron lead to Clive being able to receive much individual criticism from Reginald himself - who when asking Clive for his reasoning for joining, stated boredly he was only in it for the rations and a steady income. Naturally, he was quick to make his way onto Reginald's list of suspicious oddballs in the division and quickly developed a dislike for Clive's rather sloppy manner. He criticized Clive for his lack of decorum and grew angrily flustered when Clive replied to orders with strange, rude rhetoric. 

A somewhat lonely teenager, Clive had trouble interacting with the other teenagers at first. He slowly came around to enjoy the company of Leonardo Ancel, a rude yet deeply insecure boy from the Inner Wall, and Antonio Vega, a quiet and mysterious man with an equally strange personality. Despite their differences, the three came to become a bonded trio in their division. 

In the training - Clive notably struggles with grasping the mechanics of 3D Maneuvering Gear. He is dubbed the word in his Training Squadron with the military technology while all of his comrades excel above him. Clive finds using the gear incredibly difficult and often got noxious when training - resulting in 'accidents' of all kinds, from crashes to accidentally throwing up on the other trainees. He also lacks in the courses like math and language arts, as a result of growing up with a lack of proper education, getting poor grades in the school-esque courses.

However - Clive manages to redeem himself as the unit dedicated to physical combat. An extraordinary martial artist, Clive is the best at hand to hand combat in the Western Division. He took his barbaric and random style from the bar fights. Clive proved to excel in martial arts because of what he knew and developed a reputation for being the star fighter of his squadron. He seemed to understand everyone's weaknesses without hurting them too badly. He was the only one in the squadron to figure out how to take down Leon, who proved to be an astounding gymnast, without hurting him, and actually figuring out his style.

While Clive lacked in many things, he became a favourite of Reginald. Reginald came around to believing that Clive would make a great officer for the Military Police in the future. He considers the fact that Clive is absolutely inadequate when it comes to the usage of 3D Maneuvering Gear would hardly benefit him if he went into the Garrison or Scouting Legion. Reginald considered Clive's proficiency in martial arts, interrogation and marksmanship - deciding a Military Police life would be the best for his aloof cadet, despite his resentment of society. He believed that Clive could be a very good officer, awarding him with the grad rank of sixth - so it was ultimately favoritism which got him into the Top Ten. In addition to this favouritism, Clive cheated throughout his career as a trainee, using his skills from his youth to his advantage, snagging their achievements and claiming them as his own. 

Military Police Years (Year 838-850)

Clive opted to join the Military Police to get the life he had originally strived for. This separated him from his friend Leon, who had been persuaded into joining the Scouting Legion. The two vowed to stay in touch before parting ways for what would be years. 

A popular rumour floats around with the officers stationed in Trost and the Trost Prison that Clive had sentenced his own father to death after Mr. Ehrlich was charged for murder and unspecified types of trafficking. Clive has never confirmed or denied this claim. 

Lost Girls Spin-Off (Year 850)

Clive's earliest appearance chronologically would be a cameo as an officer in the Lost Girls spin-off series. A member of the Military Police, he was present for when Annie Leonhart was speaking in the mess hall with Boris Feulner.  

Female Titan Arc (Year 850)

As with Leon and the EPN, Clive is introduced at the end of the Female Titan Arc. Alongside Nile Dok and other Military Police officers, he was present in Stohess. He is part of the group assigned to circle Erwin, crouching on top of the roof as a sniper. He abandons his post on the roof after Annie Leonhardt shifts into the Female Titan and is not seen for the rest of the episode. 

Clash of Titans Arc (Year 850)

Along with other members of the Military Police and Garrison, Clive is summoned from the prison as a state of emergency is called in the aftermath of events at Utgard Castle. Confused and rather annoyed to have been pulled from work, he spends much of his time grumbling about the situation. He inquires of a Scout about the presence of titans in Wall Rose and Ymir. He asks why Ymir did not transform into crystal like Annie Leonhardt, stating his confusion regarding the diverse skill-set of the titans.

Walking along the Wall, Clive is eventually blown back by the steam and wind emitted from Bertholdt Hoover and Reiner Braun as Mikasa Ackerman triggers their shift. Though sent spiraling backwards, he manages to anchor to the Wall, shielding himself with his arms and blades from the falling debris, staying on top to see the Armoured and Colossal Titan on top of the Walls. 

Shocked by the reveal, Clive is not given much time to process his thoughts before Hanji and members of the Fourth Squad are ordered to engage with the Colossal Titan. Acting out of shock, Clive jumps to join the fight, neglecting his lack of skill with his gear to partake. The first burst of constant steam sends the soldiers back, and Hanji Zoe orders the soldiers to stand by until it stops. Clive obeys and waits alongside the Scouts and officers while Hanji assists Eren. 

Clive waits near the bottom of the Wall during the battle. The Colossal Titan finally begins to topple and falls over the edge of the Wal, sending a massive wave of heatwave through the area. Being as close as he was to the falling titan, Clive was badly damaged by the heat, enough so to leave him with burns and scorched retinas, resulting in what would later become cataracts. 

If Clive had been taken to receive treatment sooner, his eyes could have possibly been saved, but he spent 5 hours in comatose on top of the Wall alongside the injured scouts. It was not until the arrival of Commander Erwin Smith and the other Military Police subordinates when Clive woke up without vision and was transported to Wall Rose. 

Uprising Arc (Year 850)

Left with trauma-induced cataracts developing in both eyes, Clive is soon to be forced out of work as a result of his vision loss. Regardless, in the aftermath of his recovery, Clive returns to the Trost Prison despite his blindness. He expresses his joy in being present at the prison while various Scouts are housed in the cells, following Erwin violating the laws in the expedition to reclaim Historia Reiss and Eren Jaeger. He frightens the cadets in his custody with his sadistic rhetoric and philosophy, mentally torturing them to gets his jollies from the situation. 

Final Arc (Year 854)

Blind and without work, Clive keeps his savings carefully. He chooses to be as wise as possible with his money, knowing he cannot afford much, reckoning that it will only be a number of weeks before he is dead on the streets. By 854, Clive is homeless in the Trost District, where he lives despite safety beyond the since torn-down Walls, spending his days begging for money. While Paradis organizes the invasions and attacks on Marley, Clive catches wind of the Yeagerists, their cause and their beliefs regarding the survival of the Eldian race. 

With little to live and hope for, Clive aligns himself with the Yeagerists, believing it could make the world a better place for even someone like him. He serves as a passive member, speaking in a deranged manner to passersby in Trost about how Eren and Zeke will save Paradis, and how they will save him. Clive is dismissed as a lunatic by most who pass him by, as he spreads the Yeagerists' propaganda eccentrically when he can hear people nearby.  


821. Aged 0.

  • December 12th: Clive is born to Mr. Ehrlich and an unnamed mother as an illegitimate child.
  • December ??th: Clive's mother passes away in the streets during the winter from a combination of hypothermia and pre-existing illness. 

828. Aged 7.

  • Clive gets his first job at a local tavern.

834. Aged 13.

  • Clive enlists in the 91st Trainees Squadron Western Division, instructed by Reginald Sandweiss. 
837. Aged 16.
  • Clive graduated with recognition in 6th and joins the Military Police. 


  • Clive is stationed to work in the Trost Prison. 
  • In an unknown year, Clive becomes the Trost Prison's Warden. Despite living in Wall Rose due to his work, he has special privileges as a member of the Military Police which serves as benefit and protection.
  • In an unknown year, according to rumors, Clive approved of Mr. Ehrlich's death sentence, ultimately having his father executed in his prison. 
  • Clive hooks up with various women in local brothels. 

Canon Storyline

Female Titan Arc (850):

  • Clive is introduced as a background character and Military Police sniper tasked with surrounding Erwin Smith in Stohess. 

Clash of Titans Arc (850):

  • Clive partakes in the battle against Bertholdt Hoover and Reiner Braun on Wall Rose. 
  • Clive is burned by the hot steam emitted by Bertholdt Hoover's Titan Form and suffers from severe, irreversible eye trauma as a result. 
The Uprising Arc (850):
  • Clive continues to serve as the Trost Prison's Warden, despite being blind, though is aware that once the authorities find out, he will be forced to be let go. 
  • The Trost Prison is raided single-handedly by Leon Ancel, who kills two of Clive's men who were attempting to prematurely execute Scouts held in their custody. 

Unnamed Final Arc (854):

  • At an unknown time, Clive was let go of and forced to retire from the Military Police due to his worsening cataracts. With no work and little money, Clive is homeless and living in the streets of Trost. 
  • As a result of the unknown, Clive finds solace in the mission of the Yeagerists. He becomes very vocal about his support of their mission. Despite how popular their mission statement is, Clive is still regarded as a madman, due to constantly preaching in the streets. 


  • A habit Clive carries from his childhood in the taverns of Trost is eating food scraps off of other people's plates. 
  • If Clive was not blind and homeless, the chances that he would have sided with the Yeagerists and their cause is much slimmer. The reason why he joined them was because of his fear and hopelessness since he knew nothing other than to believe the rumours he heard on the streets.