Common Religions



5 months, 27 days ago




Vocterr emphasizes the importance of balance and reciprocity, encouraging followers to live in harmony with each other and the natural world. Acts of kindness, generosity, and stewardship of the environment are seen as expressions of devotion to the deities. The religion also promotes an appreciation for arts, music, and storytelling, as they are considered channels for connecting with the divine and preserving cultural traditions.


Vocterr one of the most widely practiced belief systems in the World. People across all walks of life actively practice. Because of how widespread the belief system is, it is common to see a variety of differences within Vocterr practices depending on location.


Vocterr is one of the oldest religions to be actively practiced on Terra to date. It is unknown where it originates from, however, there is strong evidence that suggests it was practiced the longest in Western Pogaan Golt. Aralul and Pogaan Golt seem to be leaders in how it is practiced in the popular world today. Vocterr is deeply intertwined with both cultures.

The introduction of Tomes on Terra did not affect Vocterr much. However, when Tomes became much more widely used and accepted on Terra as permanent residents, religious leaders in the faith officially accepted The Atheneum as a recognised Realm within Vocterr. Texts were also rewritten to denote Terra as the Goddess of Mana, as it was discovered that the Atheneum did not possess an excess of it like on Terra. All in all the introduction of Tomes only expanded the faith.



The world will end when all of Terra goes up in flames. Ingi will boil the oceans, level the forests, and scorch every living creature in his path. The water from the oceans will condense in the sky, and once the flames die down, they will block Terra from the view of Sol. She will fall into a deep sleep, only to be awakened again when the clouds held by Divum release their rainwater. Finally washing away the previous ashes, allowing for the rebirth of Terra and her creatures she designed herself.

Traditional followers of Vocterr see this as inevitable, something that always happens eventually, and not something that should be feared. Terra up to this point is believed to have reincarnated 8 times. The time between each growing after every rebirth.

Modern tellings of the end of the world speak of Kuwei preventing or holding back these flames to both protect humanity, its Mages, and their mother from her eventual end. These stories of Kuwei saving Terra from burning are very new, and are not seen in any ancient scriptures. However, many religious leaders spread these stories, especially in Aralul, and it is highly accepted as truth.


Followers of Vocterr recognise: The Athenaeum as a land of Tomes, Terra as the land of Mana and Humanity, and The Veil as the land of souls and reincarnation.


The Veil is the land of the Incomplete. It exists parallel to Terra, surrounding it like its namesake. This is where souls are found after death. It's a place that souls stay while they attempt to move on and reincarnate back on Terra. Souls here cannot be seen by creatures on Terra, or clearly see the creatures on it. Inhabiting the veil is much like viewing a warped photograph. It is imperfect, it can show a cloudy or distorted version of True Terra. Leaving its inhabitants with shadows and blurry representations of the world around them. Sometimes even dragging their souls to unexplained, but perhaps familiar places. Rivers of water can appear to stop running, clouds in the sky twist and contort in unnatural ways and the grass you walk upon can feel ashen and dead.

This is, of course, unless a strong connection is made or the veil is thinned. Allowing either the people on Terra to peek in or, more often, the souls of the veil to stare out. The Veil is not a place to repent or be punished for actions taken during a life, but rather a place to accept what has happened within it. The souls that live there are different, some stay for a short time, others linger. Some for months. Some for years. Some for centuries. One may only exit when they are ready to be reincarnated again, ready to leave their past life behind and move on to the next.


The introduction of Tomes did little to how Vocterr is practiced and taught, and merely added on to the beliefs held within the faith. Leaders tell the story of a Human born with a Horn during Terra’s first reincarnation, the First Mage. This person predicted Terra’s incoming death and wanted to escape it, invested in unlocking the secrets of Mana, and unwilling to restart with her. They left her plane and created their own, using their mana to construct the Athenaeum. There, they started studying, they studied for centuries, but eventually found that they were insufficient alone. So they created Tomes. Creatures that could study for them.

Some stories tell of the Mage finally succumbing to death, but unable to reincarnate in the Atheneum, while others tell of them living on between the shelves. Many consider the opening of the Atheneum to Terra as Terra’s way of attempting to bring her child back to her either in death or life.

Tomes within Vocterr can only reincarnate if they are killed on Terra.



Goddess of mana, life, death, birth, decay, and potential. Often referred to as “The Great Mother.”


Kore is a natural satellite that orbits Terra. Child of Terra. Twin of Kuwei. God/dess of change, tides, and leisure.


Kuwei is a natural satellite that orbits Terra. Child of Terra. Twin of Kore. God/dess of rigidity, rainforests, mages, and work. Kuwei seemingly never moves from their place in the sky. They are only visible in Aralul, and parts of Pogaan Golt, Ubrar, and Lasten.


Sol is a large red sphere that hangs in the sky for 17 hours a day. He is a god of growth, power, and light.


God of fertility, rain, growth, and reincarnation.


God of new beginnings and reincarnation.


Divum is the sky, she moves the Constellations and changes the seasons. She separates the Veil from Terra, and is the goddess of creativity, weather, immortality, and the Veil.


The constellations are associated with the seasons and are used to keep time for the year.

  • Eilir: Constellation of children & birds. (March, April - End of Hurricane Season)
  • Luculentus: Constellation of color, song, & flowers. (April, May - Rainy Season)
  • Hefin: Constellation of clear skies & weaving. (June, July - Rainy Season)
  • Calor: Constellation of forestry. (July, August - Rainy Season)
  • Elfed: Constellation of profits & fruit. (September, October - Rainy Season)
  • Fructus: Constellation of flood & transition. (October, November - Beginning of Hurricane Season)
  • Arthan: Constellation of gratuity. (December, January - Hurricane Season)
  • Inber: Constellation of rainstorms & thunder. (January, February - Hurricane Season)



Sanctuaries refer to the many buildings that dot the cities, towns, and villages of the world. These are places that allow for practice outside of the home. This is a place for community events, prayer, rituals, and holiday celebration. When no event is being held they are usually open for private/ quiet prayer.


Any practicing family would have an altar within their home no matter their class. One’s class merely determines how grand it may be. Altars are used to connect to deceased family members as well as to practice general prayer, and simple rituals.

Many altars would hold a candle or candles for every deceased member of a family. Some may even sport a small painting, flower(s), or tricket(s) associated with that family member. Altars for this reason can grow very cluttered, as candles for past family members may be passed down to the next generation. It is common for gifts to be left on an altar for Samhain and/or birthdays. If one wished to pray to a member of the family, they would light their candle, maybe hold an object associated with that family member, and pray. Snuffing out the candle when they are finished.

When a candle is first placed on an Altar, it is common for a family to burn it completely for the recently deceased. It is believed that the constant flame helps orient the deceased for their first hours in the Veil. Helping them remember where home is. Candles for family members that do not light easily usually indicate that they have moved on to their next life. This is typically when a candle is removed from an Altar, but some choose to leave it for a while longer, especially if the family member moved on rather quickly.

Altars can also be used to pray to the gods, leaving an appropriate gift in one’s altar vessel can increase the chance of that particular god hearing your prayer. Simple rituals may also take place on the altar.


Creatures born with the natural ability to manipulate Mana are considered sacred within Vocterr, as they are the only beings with the innate ability to manipulate their inner mana. These creatures are easily identified, as a twisted horn protrudesfrom the center of their forehead.



Followers of this faith prefer to cremate their dead and spread their ashes over Terra. They believe that it allows their soul to move through the Veil, and reincarnate at the pace a soul personally needs, not keeping them tied to Terra if they are ready to move on. Mass cremations are very common for the lower classes, the ashes of the dead usually spread in the forests or oceans. If one is wealthy enough they could afford a private cremation and spread their loved ones ashes in a private yard or pond, as is common among the wealthy. After the ashes are spread, followers believe it must rain before the souls of the dead can fully pass through the veil.

Terra, Pluvi, Igni, and Divum are often prayed to and given gifts during cremation ceremonies/ rituals.

It is not common for ashes to be kept, and could even be considered damning, as it is believed to prevent the soul from properlyreincarnating, since their body hasn’t fully been reclaimed by Terra.


Marriage exists exclusively parallel to Vocterr, as there are no written rules to it within the belief system. Followers often have familial practices and rituals exclusive to the family. Religious leaders are often willing to perform binding ceremonies for those wishing to be wed, but don’t do much else.


Celebrated Eilir 0th.

Aviania is a captivating holiday that combines the joyous celebration of the birth of birds and the commencement of a new year. This festival is designed to honor the beauty of nature, the spirit of rebirth, and the freedom of flight. The festivities begin at dawn, as Sol rises and casts a vibrant golden hue upon the land, signaling the awakening of nature.

As the festival kicks off, participants gather to witness the "Flight of the Fledglings." A group of specially trained birds, raised in sanctuaries, take their inaugural flight into the open sky. This symbolic act represents the birth of birds and the commencement of a new year filled with possibilities.

An essential aspect of Aviania is the "Renewal Ritual" where participants snuff their candles from Candlemas and release colorful ribbons into the air. Each ribbon symbolizes a wish for personal growth and new beginnings.


Celebrated Hefin 0th

Melodia is a delightful holiday inspired by the rejuvenation of nature and the joyous celebration of music. This festival honors the power of melodies and the tradition of the Maypole dance.

At the center of the festivities stands a majestic Maypole, towering over a celebration area. The Maypole is a tall pole decorated with an abundance of vibrant ribbons, woven together in a breathtaking display. It symbolizes the unity and vitality of the community, and the joyful spirit of the holiday.

Dancers, adorned in colorful attire, gather around the Maypole, each holding a ribbon attached to its top. The dance begins as the dancers weave in and out, gracefully intertwining the ribbons around the Maypole, creating intricate patterns. Accompanied by lively music and singing, the dancers move in a synchronized rhythm, stepping, twirling, and skipping with joy. The vibrant ribbons interweave, forming an enchanting and ever-changing tapestry around the Maypole. The dance symbolizes the harmony and unity within the community, as the ribbons entwine and bind everyone together.

Throughout the festival, there are various musical workshops and performances. Interactive sessions are held to teach traditional folk songs and dances, encouraging active participation and fostering a sense of shared cultural heritage. These workshops create an inclusive environment where people can learn, connect, and celebrate the rich musical traditions of their community.


Celebrated Fructus 0th - 2nd. This is celebrated by all Vocterr followers no matter how devoted they may or may not be.

This holiday celebrates the connection with departed souls and the Veil. It is a 3 day-long celebration and invitation to communicate and appreciate departed souls.

Hallows begins with the "Opening of the Veil Ritual" which takes place between 00:00 and 03:00 on the first day of Hallows. Participants gather in a sacred space, adorned with symbolic representations of the otherworldly. Through prayers, incantations, and sacred rituals, they invite the energy of departed souls to intertwine with the living, creating a bridge between the realms.

Throughout the first day, various activities and rituals honor the presence of the deceased. Ancestral altars are cleaned and the candles on them are lit. They are adorned with photographs, mementos, and offerings that hold significance to departed loved ones. People gather in contemplative silence, expressing gratitude, love, and remembrance for their ancestors, fostering a deep connection that transcends the physical realm.

In many places of worship "Guided Meditation of Ancestral Communion" is offered. Participants are led through a meditative journey, guided by a storyteller who unravels the tales and wisdom of their lineage. This immersive experience allows individuals to feel the presence of their ancestors and receive guidance, healing, and messages from beyond.

On the second day the solemn atmosphere is lifted in celebration of life and death. A public masquerade is held in honor of the Veil and what it represents. People of all walks of like dress up in various masks and costumes to show their relationship with death, how you become more of a concept in the Veil, and have to let go of your previous identity to reincarnation. Favorite foods and drinks of the dead are eaten and drank, and dancing is often partaken in.

The third day marks the end of the Hallows celebration and a large fire is lit. This fire is then used to cremate a recently deceased animal (usually a bird) and afterwards, doused in rainwater. This can either be collected days before, or is traditionally doused by natural rain. In many traditional practices, Hallows does not end until the fire is doused in naturally occurring rain. Allowing the cremated animal to move into the Veil. Nowadays a wood carving of a bird is instead used in place of a dead one.

Divination of all forms is often practiced and offered throughout the 3 day celebration. And gifts for the dead are created.


Celebrated Inber 44th.

This festival embraces the symbolism of candles, gift giving, and the purification of the spirit.

Throughout Candlemas, various activities and rituals center around the theme of purification and renewal. Individuals have the opportunity to participate in cleansing rituals, releasing negative energies, and embracing a fresh start as the year ends and nature prepares for new growth. The celebration also offers a "Light Offerings Ceremony." Participants bring handmade candles adorned with symbols and prayers that represent their intentions and wishes for the coming season. These candles are placed on a communal altar in a sanctuary or common house, creating a mesmerizing display of collective hopes and dreams.

Gifts are often given to one another with the money made over the course of the year, returning Terra’s bounties to those unable to collect it.


Birthdays are celebrated by all Vocterr practicers. A birthday can be celebrated however one may please, but it usually involves the giving of a gift (physical or otherwise) and a wish for your next year in life.


Deathdays are celebrated by all Vocterr practicers. A deathday can be celebrated however one may please, but it usually involves the lighting of a deceased person's candle, a prayer to them, and a meal in their honor.



At the pinnacle of the hierarchy stands the Papal Figure. They are considered the spiritual leader and representative of the divine on Terra. Their role includes guiding the religious community, conducting sacred ceremonies, and interpreting the messages from Gods and Constellations in the Pantheon.


Following the Papal Figure, there are Druids and Shamans who serve as intermediaries between the divine and the people. These spiritual leaders hold regional authority. They oversee specific territories or congregations, and their responsibilities include conducting rituals, and offering spiritual guidance.


Next in the hierarchy are the Clergy, who are responsible for leading worship services, performing sacraments, and providing pastoral care to the congregation.


This tier of the hierarchy is represented by Wise Elders who hold wisdom and experience within the religious community. They assist the Clergy in various duties, offering guidance to younger members, and often act as advisors to Druids and Shamans.


At the foundation of the hierarchy are the Lay Members, the devotees who make up the religious community. They actively participate in religious ceremonies, observe the sacraments, and follow the teachings of the faith. Individual practice is often practiced however.




Solinara is a sect of Vocterr, it is a.spiritual philosophy deeply rooted in the reverence for Sol and its life-giving energy. Solinara followers believe that Sol is the only divine force that sustains all life on Terra, and do not recognise the other gods in the Vocterr Pantheon. They view Sol as a symbol of illumination, enlightenment, and cosmic interconnectedness.

Central to Solinara is the belief that Sol's energy permeates all living beings, connecting them in an intricate web of life. Followers seek to align themselves with the natural rhythms of Sol, finding spiritual nourishment and guidance in its daily journey across the sky.

Lightrise and Solset hold particular significance in the Solinara belief system. At lightrise, followers engage in meditative practices, expressing gratitude for the dawn of a new day and embracing Sol's nurturing energy. Solset rituals focus on introspection, reflecting on the day's experiences, and seeking enlightenment in the fading light.

Solinara temples are built to capture and amplify Sol's rays, designed with intricate architecture that enhances the play of light within the sacred spaces. These temples serve as places of worship, reflection, and spiritual rejuvenation.

Festivals and celebrations in Solinara revolve around the changing seasons and astronomical events. Equinoxes and solstices are particularly significant, representing moments of cosmic balance and transition. Followers come together during these times to honor Sol's power and the cyclical nature of life.

Solinara teaches the importance of harmony with nature, environmental stewardship, and a deep respect for all living creatures. Followers practice rituals of gratitude, expressing appreciation for Sol's warmth and life-giving energy that sustains the planet.

Within the Solinara belief system, individual spirituality is encouraged, and there is no centralized religious authority. Instead, followers are guided by their own inner connection to Sol's energy and the natural world.

Overall, Solinara serves as a guiding philosophy for its followers, emphasizing a profound reverence for Sol and its cosmic significance. It fosters a sense of interconnectedness with the universe, promoting spiritual growth, and inspiring a harmonious relationship with the natural world in the realm of Aralul.