


9 months, 23 days ago


Kit Name: Toadkit

Medicine Cat Apprentice Name: Toadpaw

Gender: Male

Status: Deceased 

Place of Rest: Starclan

Cause of Death: Hit by a monster 

Former Clan: Moorclan 

Relationships: Mapleheart (former mentor)

Toadpaw was always a very trusting cat so when a cat showed up in his dreams shortly after he became a medicine cat apprentice and said she was from Starclan Toadpaw believed her. The cat gave Toadpaw messages, telling him that Moorclan had to go to battle against Riverclan. The cat said that Moorclan would have Starclan on their side and that their victory was guaranteed.

Toadpaw felt so special that he had been chosen by Starclan to deliver their messages and immediately went and told Longstar what he had been told. But Longstar was hesitant to go to battle and Toadpaw couldn't convince him right away. The cat returned to Toadpaw's dreams several more times with the same message and each time Toadpaw went and told Longstar. Eventually Longstar gave in and Toadpaw was escatic, he was sure future generations would tell stories of the coming battle, of how Moorclan effortlessly defeated Riverclan in their own territory. 

On the day of the battle Toadpaw watched in horror as his clanmates were driven back from the Riverclan camp, Riverclan at a clear advantage. It was only after the death of the Moorclan clan deputy that the Riverclan cats pulled back allowing, the heavily injured Moorclan cats to live as long as they retreated. 

When the Moorclan cats arrived back at their own camp Toadpaw helped his mentor treat the injured while Shock set in. He didn't understand how the clan could have failed when they were supposed to have had Starclan on their side. 

After one of the warriors lashed out at Toadpaw, claiming he was to blame for the loss of their deputy, Toadpaw ran from the camp in shame and terror. He didn't pay attention to where he was running and ended up on a thunderpath where he was struck and killed by a monster.

Toadpaw went to Starclan and it was only after he died that he learned the truth about his "starclan messenger". His messenger was no Starclan cat but a cat from the Dark Forest and he had helped her send his clan to die. 

Extra Info 

- Toadpaw volunteered to go to the Dark Forest as punishment for falling for Silverfur's trick, the idea was immediately shot down.