Sebastian Voltaire



9 months, 21 days ago


Name: Sebastian Voltaire

Gender: Male

Race: Vampire

Age: Unknown as he is practically immortal, but he is around the similar age of Naomi, Hiro, Ronan and Bellona in human age

Family: /

Special shapeshift: Wolf ( he can actually shapeshift into more animals as cat, bat, mouse... but he likes wolves so he chose just 1 animal)

Abilities: Can summon bats, dark vampiric magic, can go on demon mode (he becomes  stronger but cant control it because this happens when he is sooooo  angry), can heal deepest wounds ( but if the wound is deeper, then he  will heal slower) if he is wounded by silver weapons, his wounds won't heal or it will heal super slow it depends

Strengths: Really agile, fast, strong, great fighter, quiet, can see trough dark

Weaknesses: Silver, garlic, if he doesn't drink enough blood, he goes savage, he doesn't like to work with others to much 

Likes:  Wolves, night, moon, stars, being alone, music (classical), playing piano, red wine...

Dislikes: Cats, annoying people, being weak, weak people in his team, pranks, Hiro, childish acts, being asked a lot, when someones begging him to train the person (Naomi asked him a lot to teach her how to be a good fighter/shapeshifter)

Personality:  He is kind of a loner, but he will help his shapeshifting guild, usually emotionless, grumpy and cold but that has a big reason and if you make him angry you will deeply regret, he will say what is in his mind when its  time, not a hugger type, mature, he thinks before action, always watch that he doesn't go  savage so he drink animals blood once in a while, mysterious, doesn't  want to people get to know him well ( big reason why he doesn't want  friends plus he hides from everyone that he is a vampire) but deep down he actually cares...well..little xD

Other info: as he is stoic natured, he never smiles! Dark stripes under his eyes are his markings! He is also a kind of vampire that can be on daylight! 

Story: Soon in upcoming manga


Naomi - he sees her like nuisance, he gets easily annoyed especially by her constant questions and begging to teach her to be better at aiming arrows. With time he just accepts her presence without any rude remarks, but with some occasional sighs. Eventually he respects her will to practice and her diligence to become more skillful fighter. He notices that she wants to be nice and all, but he still doesn't want to open up to anyone. Their relationship as friends grew a little even tho he doesn't want to admit that. 

Hiro - as soon as he realized that his form is a cat, he started to not like him even more. He sees him as a childish person who can't focus on working on his skills because is blinded by stupid things. He was never rude to him just because. He just spits the facts and telling honestly what Its in his mind but he doesn't sugarcoat it. He says harshly. Even tho he sometimes just wants him to throw off the cliff, he is still treating him as a teammate in a shapeshifting clan/guild often saving him as well. Sometimes he had quests with him and Naomi which he didn't appreciate it as mostly he makes the most of work.

Ronan - he hates his childish antics with Hiro, also doesn't like how he acts in general and he often interfere to break a fight or to punish them for their silly acts and pranks. He doesn't have any respect for him as he is annoyed when Ronan teases Hiro thinking that is not funny at all messing with the weaker than yourself.  

Bellona -  he ignores her and avoiding her when she acts all cheesey or tries to hold his hand or anything like that. He doesn't like her at all. He is harsh to her ad he wants her to stop with the stupidity and stop bothering him. He is very tired of her.