Unfinished designs's Comments

I’d love the one with the poofy dress! I’ll turn the dress into a mushroom and make her a fairy/mushroom living in a fairy garden with a human friend >:)


love her! she'd be a faerie, one that tends to cause chaos and mischief at the expense of other people. however, she has a kind heart when it comes to nature and especially animals, she'd do anything for them and lives to protect them. most people don't understand her, so she avoids ever making friends; she'd prefer to make enemies. she's never been close to anyone, other than her father but she is now an orphan due to past tragics- haha trauma brr


Would I please be able to adopt this girl?


I think she would be great friends with my other two characters Kai & Stasia!

I think she would end up being the gooseberry, they aren't officially a thing but at the same time, there is something there, but every time it seems like they may have a moment Boop here she is ahaha eventually she realises what's going on and actively starts trying to set them up but is always spoofing it somehow because these things just gotta happen on their own. she also always is trying to find a way to convince stasia to fix her broken screen, but Stasia kinda likes it that way :P

Ohhh yesss!! I'll send her right over!! <3

Thank you very much!

I'm going to tried my hands on this one!
I can see her being that type of girl that looks friendly and sweet, but deep down. She is a menace to society!.. She would carried a knife or anything sharp that she can get her hands on! She'll laugh at your pain and misery as you beg for your life!
She carries around a plush bunny, bear or a mixture of both that is missing an eye that had tiny wings on it's back. That it also part bag as she stores her sweets and any sort of useful items in it!

Ahhh I love this! You can have her!!! :3 

I'll send her over! <3