Mink's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

LcukyCoin Global Rules
1. Don't resell them for more value than you bought them for
-> unless there has been value added through e.g. art

2. Design can be tweaked/redesigned but not made unrecognizable
-> feel free to convert the design in any other species (lion, reptile, anthro, etc.) as you'd like as long as it stays recognizable as well
-> otherwise I'll reclaim the original design without refund, however you are free to keep the unrecognizable rdesign.

3. Do not hide my designs from me. Authorize me to access them if you'd like to hide them from public view.

4. Don't delete my designs off of TH without notice, especially if I personally transferred them to you.
If you want to remove yourself and your characters from ToyHouse (or any major social media, e.g. DA) let me know beforehand.

I do not have a blacklist and hopefully will never have to make one, however if you go against my rules I'll be more hesitant in selling any of my future designs to you.
You won't be barred from offering, I'll just be wary of you and reject your offer if I feel uncomfortable with it.