


6 months, 4 days ago


Howlspire Colony and Storm Surge Colony believe in the afterlife and limbo. The afterlife is known as the Safe Haven or Great Rainforest, a place of utter paradise. Cats who have followed the rules and have done good for the colony are said to be able to go to the Great Rainforest. Yet limbo awaits for those who have done bad, in order for them to continuously think and mull over what they've done bad. Slowly the perception of a cat in limbo changes over time, with their world degrading into nothing. Another cat in limbo won't see their reality, and they'll continue to grow fainter and fainter.

Howlspire Colony also treasure black bears. There's a story they love to tell and share, of a black bear that suckled an orphaned wolf pup after losing her own cubs. The wolf pup grew up big and strong, and would end up saving his moving in a dangerous circumstance before dispersing from her. (Sort the details out later.)

Hollowhorn Colony has something with grizzlies.

Storm Surge Colony have a deep respect for kermode bears, who are seemingly the ghostly white apparitions of black bears. They're rare, few and far in between, and seeing one is a sign of good or bad luck.