


6 years, 2 months ago


Saoirse (Myrinidia’Nolu) Maeghym’Val

Age: 23
Height: 5’4’’
Occupation: Travelling Bard
Class: Skaald (Warrior Bard)

Saoirse was a highborn drow, and came from the house Maeghym’Val. She knew Ve’Shaal briefly from before she lived on the surface. She left her family for many reasons, not least of which being a naturally adventurous spirit and being fascinated with meeting new people.

Saoirse often acts as an informant for Guisenna, using contacts and her work in taverns and other public locations to figure out who found what possible treasure-filled tomb and was planning a plunder, or what companies had an expedition in the works and needed additional adventurers. Saoirse’s charm and easy-going demeanor makes her perfect for information gathering, which she brings to Guisenna, who chooses which leads to follow. Guisenna never asked her for this sort of help, and in fact tried to dissuade her-- very, very fervently-- at first, but Saoirse is nothing if not relentless, and Guisenna was someone she wanted to help. 

Saoirse first saw Guisenna from across a tavern one night, as she played for the people eating there. It was a regular spot for her, so she easily spotted the newcomers, but a Tiefling stood out even from among those. After her pay and tips were collected and another bard took her place, Saoirse took her usual dinner next to Guisenna, eager to hear her story.

Guisenna, of course, did not say anything, barely sparing Saoirse a look away from the stack of papers she was looking through. Saoirse, determined to start a conversation, gleaned enough from the papers to see that Guisenna was probably looking for work-- it was a pile of work calls for adventures, expeditions, a few bounties, bodyguards… Saoirse also happened to notice Guisenna studying her as she very obviously perused the papers. Of course that meant she began talking about the work she knew would be good, and which employers Guisenna should avoid, which should be watched because they will stiff her on pay, and which should probably have never been given the chance to organize any sort of venture at all, since half their people didn’t even come back from the last one. Guisenna finally broke composure to ask how she knew all this, so Saoirse revealed herself as a part-time adventurer, though mostly she picked up this information by talking with people like she was with Guisenna. Guisenna nodded, left a tip for her, and departed rather suddenly. Surprised and a bit put off, Saoirse stayed and finished her meal.

Over the next week Saoirse didn’t hear from Guisenna, or from those who had seen her. She didn’t have to ask-- if anyone had seen a Tiefling they would’ve been talking about it over their ales. Saoirse had just put the mysterious woman out of her mind when one night she was suddenly there, in the tavern, a new stack of papers in hand. Saoirse could barely retain her excitement. As soon as she finished her set, she collected her pay and all but bounced over to Guisenna. Guisenna gave her a small smile and pushed over some money. At her confused look, Guisenna said it was payment as thanks for her good advice from before. Not only had Guisenna done well in her work, she’d also avoided what ended up being a catastrophic expedition into some long forgotten tombs, in which many adventurers had ended up dead. Saoirse did not accept, or refuse the money, instead choosing to draw Guisenna into conversation. She gave Guisenna her full attention, causing the other to be self-concious and fall a bit out of her usual cold rhetoric. When Saoirse left for the evening, promising to see Guisenna again, she left the money on the table. She pretended not to notice when Guisenna’s eyes followed her all the way out. 

From there a pattern followed. Every time Guisenna was in town, she stayed at the inn across the tavern where Saoirse played, and every evening she would eat her supper there. They would exchange rumors, news, and pleasantry over a late dinner. Saoirse never pushed for Guisenna’s history, nor did she treat Guisenna with any sort of disdain, or worse, like an exotic animal. Likewise, Saoirse found herself being treated with respect, which was refreshing. There was also that hint of fondness mixed with a strong sense of distancing, like someone trying to push their emotions away. It wasn’t long before Saoirse asked to travel with Guisenna on one of her ventures, claiming boredom. Guisenna protested very, very weakly, which is how Saoirse became her constant travelling partner. After a few scrapes, where Saoirse proved to be as beautiful and skilled in battle as with song, Guisenna accepted her company easily, and in fact assumed Saoirse’s presence in everything they did thereafter.

Saoirse did not expect to fall in love with Guisenna. It wasn’t planned, not that much of this was, and it was unprofessional, but it happened nonetheless. They were lovers before half a year had passed. 


Saoirse is a member of a network of spies and assassins specializing in the trade of information and the dismantling of what they considered evil, or oppressive, establishments. Subterfuge and sabotage were their main tools of trade, though many members could be expected to fight if forced. This group called themselves ***. 

The main goal of *** was to uphold balance above all else. Most of it’s members were truly neutral, going out of their way to keep the peace and balance in whatever way they saw fit. No sacrifice was too great in the face of this goal. They sought tranquility through maintaining balance, both within and without. There was no pleasure to be taken in death or havoc wreaked, but no regret either, only knowledge that the balance has been maintained. The group hides in the shadows, made up of autonomous members rather than a strong central organization that dictates movement and action. They do, however, have a group within this group that maintains order within it. If any member, or even non-member, is seen abusing the name of *** and using it to spread disharmony and fear, they are usually, very suddenly, gone. 

Saoirse had previously done some work in the Underdark. She was recruited into *** at the very young age of 15, already having been trained by her society to glean information through observation. Saoirse, being very empathetic, but still able to compartmentalize, found herself unusually suited to information gathering and manipulation. It wasn’t long before she left her home to live on the surface and find another cause to pursue-- or more accurately, to finally get out of the place she’d lived forever and see the rest of the world. Her recruiter went along with her, training her up and verifying Saoirse’s feelings towards balance and order that had never quite fit with her parents’ teachings. Saoirse took up the bardic trade, eventually becoming a skaald. It gave her the perfect cover, made people more open to her, made her invisible to groups wary of eavesdroppers, and honestly was something she sincerely loved doing.

Saoirse never lost her love of life and her good cheer. She feels like she’s doing something important, especially now with her current goal. A demon wreaks havoc in the world, and someone put it there. She has a good idea who, but wants to know the full story. She can afford to wait… just a little more time...