Rhea ShadoDire



6 months, 27 days ago


      Name: Rhea 

    Meaning: "To Flow/Ground" 

Age: 6 months old

Gender: female

Breed: Brittney 

Height: Growing [will be 21 in when full grown] 

Eye color: Bi-Hetero Blue-amber 

Body type: Slender but well muscled 

Color: Liver tri-color with Roaning and Irish white spotting 


Happy, friendly, Energetic, Playful, Eager to learn, lovable dimwit who can be very smart when need be but slightly stubborn 


Rhea is a happy, playful pup who loves to test boundaries at times but she's a sweetie who can be very smart, loyal and obedient but at the same time a dimwit who doesn't know when to back down nor quit. Her leader Shatha is very protective of her and does her best to raise her into a good dog though the pup seems eager to want to join her Alpha on work time journeys rather than stay a pet like the feral like canid prefers her to be.

As she gets older it'll be harder for Shatha to ignore that her Pet wishes to be a Working animal to help hunt down threats as her breed instincts will tell her later to do and the training in natural animal survival ain't helping Shatha's case. For now Rhea is a smol pup gaining muscle and know how most of her breed don't get like she's getting as she grows as Shatha does train and push her each day in training.