


5 months, 4 days ago


I don't know if this is her canon design or what her color palette is.

Mother to Damien, Arin and Lucian. Mother figure to Rakel. Married to Caleb, Damien and Arins father.

I think Caleb or maybe Seraphina are scientist

If she is a scientist she might have met Leon through work. She might have also met Leon because she was on vacation in germany She had a one night stand or dated briefly Lu's dad, Leon. They seperated because of long distance. Her living in America and Leon in germany

Leon eventually moves to america to be close to his son. (I think Leon's brother (rakels dad) and rakels sister also moves to america later on.

Seraphina and caleb traveled to germany all the time with Lucian, Damien and Arin. They wanted to stay connected to Lucian's side of the family. This is also the reason Rakel and Damien has know each other since they were born. Lu connected their families.

Last name ideas: Lee (That was her old canon last name, she might have had Lee as old name before she married Damien's dad (in case if it's still canon that Lu's last name is still Lee Schmidt. I do like Lee Schmidt on Lucian.

Last name placeholder if she changes it when marrying Caleb: